Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Basket Ball: Lesson 1

Today was my first time ever taking basketball seriously.

And I have to say: "Thank you Alan and Steve!" ^_^

At 8am, Joseph, Audrey and I met up with Steve at Solano Elementary and we walked to the basketball court in Elysian.

Steve taught me how to do basic stuff like shoot the basketball into the hoop the RIGHT way.

This is how you do it:

(aka the phail spelling of beef)
B. - bend your knees
E. - Elbow make an "L"
A. - Arch the ball
F. - Finish it!


(no.. not Advance Placement)
A. - Always
P. - Practice

I basically spent 1 hour shooting non-stop. At first the ball kept bouncing out. I didn't go in! I was like Mannnnn.. i'm so bad at this, but when the ball finally went it.. i was like YAY!!!!!


Every time I missed, Alan and Steve would push the ball back to me and I'd shoot all over.

Sometimes, actually... a lot of times... I miss really easy shots and Alan would smack his face and shake his head. LOL And whenever my position starts to go out of position, Alan would lift up one of his arms and "power stroke" LOL (only AP bio ppl will know wad im talking about) XD He also keeps telling me to practice shooting with one arm, that way I won't shoot all over the place. hahaha.

Yeah, that's about it!

More practice tommorrow! =D

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Last week of school

Umm, so it's the last week of school. YAY!!!!

I'm really glad my sophomore year is coming to an end. It was an OK year in school. I wasn't awesome but it wasn't horrible either. Pretty decent.

I'm looking forward to my Junior year and the challenges. =)

I'm also looking forward to summer! I want to run everyday this summer. It'll be fun! XD I think I'll drag Lorrie and Steve with me since they only live down the street. hehe. Then I'll get them to teach me how to play basketball.

I also have a camping trip 2 weeks from now. A college road trip in August. Hm... what else? I don't know but I think this summer is going to be great! Oh yeah, and I'm going to want to have another day in the park with a bunch of friends!

Yup. =)

I also have AcaDeca this summer! I'm definitely looking forward to that! YAY!
So many new things to learn! =D

mmm yeah... lol... awesome year its gonna be next year!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Okayyy~ so I haven’t blogged for quite a while now. Hehe… well here I am blogging =D

Well first up, it’s almost finals week, but most of my classes are doing it earlier. Soooo, let me list out what I have to do.

Mandarin – Oral Presentation (DONE!)

Math – Multiply choice on everything I learned in 2nd semester

AP Bio – Bioethics debate, my team’s topic is Euthanasia

English – Macbeth Act 4 Scene 1 Performance (the one I am looking forward to)
World History – Vocabulary & Geography

It’s pretty easy. =D

Like I said, the English final is the one I’m looking forward to. We have to perform a scene from the play Macbeth.

That’s our final. Yeap.

The scene I will be performing is a creepy scene with witches and apparitions and bloody people and kings! My crew consists of 9 people. My part in the play is to be the “Undead King/ Queen.” Whichever you prefer to call it. XD

We all have to look creepy and undead and mysterious. So I got eyeliner from my mom and started drawing all over my eye. I did a really bad job. LOL I don’t know how to use make-up. So, I outlined my eye and darkened it and all, but it didn’t look creepy. It just looked … … really messy. Lol So, I have to go google, how to put on Halloween make-up or ask my mom/ friends. Hahaha

Part of our final is to make a “Director’s Notebook” which basically consists of our script, list of props, costumes, blablabla… all those stuff you need for a play. I’m putting in together and I have to say I enjoy it! ^_^

Some problems that I have though

1- My team really really really want DRY ICE. We think it will be such an awesome effect! Imagine the witches casting a spell and suddenly BAM! SMOKE!!!! LOL

2- I need a black cloth. We need this to cover the table as a part of our prop.

3- I don’t know how to use eyeliner

4- I need a costume. What am I going to wear?!!

Do I have anymore problems? *thinks*

Hmm… I’m pretty sure that’s all. XD

Yeap. So on the day of our performance, I am going to record this!! I’m not going to post it though. I guess people will just have to ask me for it. Haha

^_^ excited! =)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Ellie

Happy Birthday Baby Ellie!

You're ONE year old now!
