Sunday, September 28, 2008

I want a dress

Whenever my mom asks me what I want for my birthday, I know what I want. It's usually a toy, a techno "gear", a pet... oh so many things.

Well last year, I moved and the only thing I really wanted was to go back to Malaysia. I did not want anything. I had no birthday. That was the first time I did not celebrate it. It was just... blah. Another day.

No one remembered. No one but my mom. Two words and that was it. Nothing was going to make me happy.

What do you want?! A camera? a new iPod? anything?

*shakes head*

Well this year, I still want to go back to Malaysia, but I guess I do have some stuff I want.

I'd like negative 15pounds, a dress and me to look pretty.


I thought about wanting a camera.

Then I thought again... nah~ what for?

So, yeah. I guess that's what I want.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Gear Up!

Hey all~ Wave here,

So as you know it, the intro of my blog says that I have 3 challenges this year. One of them is running for the treasurer position for Gear Up cabinet.

Well, tomorrow is voting. I really really hope I get majority votes. Although that will not officially determine who gets what position. The teachers/ counselors actually decide who become what. So, I am really hoping I get the treasurer position.

I also think it is quite unfair and the democracy taken away since the teacher/counselors are choosing the students. It makes me think what's the point of having the voting then? In the end the majority votes do not really contribute to who will be part of cabinet. I mean, the votes will be "considered" but ultimately the teachers/counselors will be the ones deciding.

It kind of reminded me of the electoral voting system. The citizens of America indirectly vote for their candidate.However in the end, the people they choose will vote for them. You see the clashing here?

What is Democracy? It means ruling of majority of the people.
What is Oligarchy? It means ruling of few.

How can you put both together? It will not work out. It is basically putting opposites together. How is that suppose to work?

Apparently, this is somehow fit into the voting system of America and my case. It is kind of weird.

I'm not criticizing or anything, but I find it a little weird.

Anyway, wish me luck!
I hope I get the position I want.


Saturday, September 13, 2008


Here was what Phan, Joe, Jeremy and I were thinking of to thank god for from A-Z...

Dad/Da PengYou
Nice people
Old people?/Oxygen
Songs/Scenery/Sher Ee
Zen Buffet?

Any more you guys want to add on? Tell me!
I'll add it!! haha

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Jay... *shakes head* Jay... *sigh*

So, I have this friend. Her name is Jay. (not real name)

When I first met Jay, she was okay. She was not like mean or anything. She was really friendly and outgoing. But, lately, she's been kind of annoying.

See, Jay and I live pretty close by and my parents give her a ride to school and back home. We don't mind ,you know, but what really got on my nerves was the fact that she is very inconsistent, annoying, very childish, and is (a lot of times) not on time.

During the summer, she wanted me to play badminton with her. The first time she asked I said, "OKAY!". I was looking forward because I had not played badminton with anyone in a very long time. So I woke up real early, at like 6:30ish. So, I played with her, it was okay. I didn't really have fun, but I think she did.

So, she asked me if I wanted to play again tomorrow. I said, "No, I want to sleep.".


She came back real early in the morning again. My mom had to wake me up. When my mom woke me up, it actually gave me a shock. I actually panicked for a second there. After I saw it was my mom I was like, "... huh? ... What??" and my mom told me Jay was here. I was like what?! (in my mind of course) I really did not want to go with her. So I told her I didn't want to go. She looked dissappointed, but hey, too bad. I told her no and she came. =.=" Just to get her to go away, I told her I'd go play with her the next day. Then she was all happy again. ~gosh~

So, next day I woke up early and waited and waited for her. I thought she wasn't coming. I told myself. If she did not come in 5 minutes, I was going back to sleep. Jeeze, I should've just gone back to sleep, because she came. She was late. =.=" Anyway, I played with her and went home. Yay! >.>

Okay. I mentioned earlier that my parents gave her rides to school and back. See almost every morning, we'd have to wait for her. She'd be like 10 minutes late. That somehow got on my nerves. What really got to me was after school.

A few days ago, (Thursday I think) she just walked to China Town on her own. She did not even tell me. So my other friend and I waited and waited for her. GOSH!!!! She could've AT LEAST called and told me she would not need a ride that day so that we did not have to wait for her.

Today, we waited and waited for her. My other friend has a class with her and told me that Jay would meet us at the front gate. But no sign of her. Absolutely nothing. She didn't show up, she didn't call me. =.=" I tried to call her, but her dad picked up. So, I waited. JUST IN CASE. After awhile, I got annoyed and we just left.

On the way home, she called me. She told me she got a ride from another friend - L. Jay was like, "I'll go to school with you and home with L." I was like, "Ook" and in my mind, "WHATEVER."

When I got home, I talked to L. She told me that Jay was getting on her nerves too. Jay was rude, impolite, and did not show respect to her parents. According to L, Jay talked to L's parents like they were her age. She also wanted them to drive her to China Town everyday. My parents thought she was annoying too!


Well. I feel like telling Jay off, but it's going to hurt her feelings. She's is very friendly, kind, outgoing, independant, childish, impolite, too talkative (worse than me), big mouth and unpunctual.

What to do what to do?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

I'm bored.. so I got this from Khai's blog.

Instructions: Remove one question from below and add in your personal question, making it a total of 20 questions. Then tag 8 people from your list. List them out at the end of the post. Notify them that they have been tagged.

1) At what age do you wish to marry?
- before 25

2) Where will you go if someone sponsors you a tour ticket?

3) What's your favorite thing to do?
- Read, Chat, Blog, Cook/Bake

4) Do you think money can buy happiness?
- Nope.

5) Do you believe you can survive without money?
- Nope.

6) What are you afraid to lose the most?
- My family

7) If you win $1 million, what will you do?
- GO BACK TO MALAYSIA! The rest go to University~

8) List out 3 good points about the person who tagged you.
- Khai Weng
1) Cool dude
2) Fun!
3) Great at basketball~

9) If you have only one wish, what will you wish for?

10) If you could rewind time, what would you change?
- Nothing.

11) What's your ambition?
- Hm... IDK

12) What's your favorite song at the moment?
- Rise by Flobots

13) If you can teleport once, where would you go?

14) What do you think is the most important in your life?

15) If you could undo one mistake in the past, what would it be?
- nothing.

16) If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?
- A lot of things.

17) What music have you been listening to recently?
- Here In Your Arms - Hellogoodbye, All of your Love - Hellogoodbye

18) What is the one thing you cannot do but wish you could?
- Go back to Malaysia!!!! =(

19) Sushi or Steamboat?
- This is an evil question! BOTH!!!!!

20) Looks or Character?
- Character!

I tag anyone.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Back to School

As most of you know it, I am back in school. =D
It was really really crazy.

Day 0

On the day before school started, I went to school to find out my classes and hopefully change my classes in advance. Unfortunately, I didn't really get what I want.

Most of my schoolmates know I want AP U.S. History, but the school wouldn't let me take it because I was only a sophomore. I even talked to my previous history teacher to help me out. He tried to but I guess the school really didn't want people who weren't Juniors to take it.


Day 1

Yesterday was a really hectic day. Really. My counselor didn't really help me and she made me run all over the school. See I had a problem with my schedule.

This was what was given to me:

Period 1 - Mandarin 3
Period 2 - H. Biology
Period 3 - H. English
Period 4 - PE
Period 5 - H. PreCalculus
Period 6 - H. World History

My period 1 was okay. We didn't do much. My mandarin teacher - Ms. Chai, just talked a lot and made us talk about our summer.

I THOUGHT period 2 was going to be OKAY, but I was wrong. =(
My Bio teacher - Ms. Kwan, persuaded me to join her AP Bio class. It is two period - 3rd and 4th. So that means, I have to change my schedule.

2nd period onwards was so confusing!!!

Ms Kwan wrote me a note to bring to my counselor saying that I wanted to change my classes. We thought that by doing some rearrangements, I could get my classes easy peasy since today was only the first day.

I went to my counselor and I waited outside her office for like at least 30mins!!!! Honestly, she is one of the worst counselors a student could get. She didn't help one bit. She kicked me out of her office to solve the problem on my own. So I had to go ask teachers for help or see if they had a space for me.

Man I was so wrong. All the teachers that I wanted we not available. Their classes were full to the MAX, some were over the max. This one teacher told me she had only 36 seats and 46 students. She had no space. LITERALLY.

I went back to Ms. Kwan. I was like, "Ms. Kwan, *out of breath* I have a problem."
We talked about it and off I went again.

So I walked around and around and around asking and asking English teachers if they had a space. I finally decided to go to the teacher that was assigned to me and ask her for help. She was such a nice lady and told me to get a print out of all the English classes.

So, I went to the computer room and I waited and waited and waited. I also bumped into my previous History teacher. I told him my problem and what I was planning to do and he was like,

"All right, sounds like a good idea. Let me know how you are. Drop by my class."

So, like i said, I waited and waited and FINALLY. I got this brilliant idea. Why don't I go to my previous English teacher. She could help me. I thought. Unfortunately ( again), when I got there she couldn't help me. She told me to look for the assistant principle. He didn't really help either. So,I went back to the computer room and finally got a print out!


I went back to that nice teacher's class, panting, and she found me a teacher - Mr. Leys. I know who he is. I don't think he's a great teacher. I know he's the Debate Team teacher, but the Debate Team is pretty dormant.

ANYWAY, after finally figuring out my class, I went back to my counsellor and she made me wait like for ONE WHOLE PERIOD. She was running in and out of her office. People were going in and out. Teachers and Admins were too. Gosh her room was always jam packed. So, finally after people stopped coming in for like 5 mins, she did my schedule.


My current classes are now
Period 1 - Mandarin 3
Period 2 - H. English
Period 3 - AP. Biology
Period 4 - AP. Biology
Period 5 - H. PreCalculus
Period 6 - H. World History

Day 2

Today was definitely much much better. I really enjoyed myself. Except for the fact I already started getting homework.

Oh I also gave my teachers nicknames.

Period 1 - Ms. Chai - Chai chai chai.
Period 2 - Mr. Leys - Dormant Debate Team Teacher (DDTT)
Period 3 - Ms. Kwan - haven't thought of one yet.
Period 4 - Ms. Kwan - again
Period 5 - Mr. Luu - GPA KILLER
Period 6 - Mr Zapata - Senior

Anyways, I know that whole post didn't make much sense but I have to go sleep.