Tuesday, July 29, 2008

About the story

Hey everyone!

So, in my previous post, I posted a video of Joseph and Audrey. Well, I thought it wasn't very clear. So, I've decided to post our script! =D

That way, you people would understand the skit better! hee hee

(oh by the way, the video is in my previous post. Just scroll down)

The Skit: Old Lady goes "Shopping"

Characters:Old Lady - Audrey,Old Man - Joseph

Note: phrases in *...* and actions

J: Hello Ma'am, my name is Bobby bob bob bob bop bobedy Du Bob bob. How may I help you?

*pinches nose*
A: MAN! Your breath stinks!
*Pulls out Orbit Gum*
A: You need Orbit for a fresh clean feeling!
*Looks at Joseph*
A: Seeeerrrriiiiioooouuuusssslllllyyyy
*Gives Joseph gum*

*scratches head*
J: umm... thank you?

A: You're welcome Bobby bob bob bob yada yada whoever you are.
A: I can beat that looooooooonnngggg name.
*takes out shopping list and unrolls it*

*jaw drops and looks shocked*
J: WHATTT??!!!

*reads list outloud to Joseph*
A: Pie, Pepsi, Eggs... Porker Roonie...

*Looks bored to death and starts falling asleep*

*Sees Joseph falling asleep and slaps him*

*Wakes up in shock*
J: HUH?! What?!! Yeah yeah! I'm listening.
*Sits up straight, open eyes wide*

*continues reading from list*

J: awwww!!
*frustrated and slaps head*
*Suddenly gets an idea*
*Looks at the audience*
J: I've got an idea!
*turns to Audrey*
J:Ma'am, I'll give you 10bucks if you shut up!

*snatches money and counts it*

*Joseph looks relieved
J:Ahhh finally!

*Audrey starts talking again*

*stands up*
J: uhgghhh! okay okay! I'll give you all these money just STOP TALKING and GO AWAY!

A: Okie Dokie!
*takes money and walks away counting*
*looks at audience*
A: MUAHAHAHHAHAAHA (evil laughter) My plan worked! Excellent.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Joseph & Audrey's Comedy Skit

Wow yesterday was TCHOC's (my church) 4th annual talent show. Woohoo!!

This year Joseph and Audrey participated in the talent show. They did a skit - comedy skit! It was really really funny and I think everyone definitely enjoyed it! ^^

Well I've posted one of the practices they have done and well very unfortunately the actual performance was not recorded very very well, due the poor lighting, angle and also camera person. (I'm sorry, I'm not a pro camera lady.)

So here! Enjoy the short little skit! Watch their funny rehersals and LOL!


This was practice at home in our backyard. Hehe
The first time was pretty good. =D

I actually have MORE videos, BUT I don't know why the other videos WON'T upload. So, all I have to say for now is - COME BACK SOON! I will definitely post MORE videos! =D

The second video is actually another practice, but that was is WAY FUNNIER. Audrey and Joseph went WAYYY OFF the original script. Audrey started talking about "customer service" and "babies". Joseph also started "fighting" for "imaginary babies" and "wrestling" with the air.

It was so funny.

The last video was the actual performance. So keep in touch!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Something you don't hear everyday.

Well so, I was just online talking to my Da Pengyou- Anthony Lu, aka Lu DaXia.

At first we were talking about the most random things in the world and suddenly he asks the most random question of all random questions...

(Oh, and Here is a Mandarin glossary for all you people who don't speak Chinses)
  • Nan Peng You = BoyFriend
  • Da Peng You = Big Friend
  • Leng Zai = Handsome

A n t h o n y says:
found someone yet?

www.myspace.com/wqve - add me! says:

www.myspace.com/wqve - add me! says:
wad do u meam? O.o

A n t h o n y says:
you know

A n t h o n y says:
nan pengyou

www.myspace.com/wqve - add me! says:
lol no

www.myspace.com/wqve - add me! says:
unless u can make a "nanpengyou" appear *poof* right in front of me....

www.myspace.com/wqve - add me! says:

A n t h o n y says:

A n t h o n y says:
oky i will

www.myspace.com/wqve - add me! says:

www.myspace.com/wqve - add me! says:
may i know HOW?

www.myspace.com/wqve - add me! says:

A n t h o n y says:

A n t h o n y says:
i buy one for u

www.myspace.com/wqve - add me! says:

A n t h o n y says:
and i will make sure it says

A n t h o n y says:
instant shipping

www.myspace.com/wqve - add me! says:

www.myspace.com/wqve - add me! says:
omg hahahahahahaha

A n t h o n y says:
see da pengyou is good like that

www.myspace.com/wqve - add me! says:
hahaha yeah u are

www.myspace.com/wqve - add me! says:

Thank You Da PengYou for buying me a Nan PengYou.

So yeah~ I am basically waiting for the arrival of my Nan PengYou.
'Cuz like he said "instant shipping".

hahahaha XD

Hope he gets me an Asian Nan PengYou, 6" , Leng Zai and buff. XD

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Summer Holiday

So as you all know...
or most of you at least, its

but I have summer school.
It's cool. Not like I wanna "die".

So anyways, I do have plans for this Summer.
1. Go to Todai Buffet.
2. Get a myspace
3. Get MS (?)
4. Finish Geomtry AB
5. Sleep 11hours straight
6. Find a best friend
7. Read bookS
8. Get an awesome new hairstyle
9. Make nasi lemak (anyone got chili padi?)
10. Do everything on that list and MORE!!


Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Okay I have GREAT GREAT GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!

So in my previous posts I have mentioned that I took this extremely hard class- A.P. European History. So basically I've been studying real hard for that class and when the time came to take the test I practically freaked out and I THOUGHT I would FAIL.

Man was I wrong. I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*jumps around* screams* jumps again*

I am soooooooooo happy because that class was not hard, it was EXTREMELY DIFFICULT! Just so you all know it is my FIRST TIME in an American school and my FIRST TIME in SIX YEARS since I've been back in school, also my FIRST TIME taking an A.P. class/ college level class.

So yes.... I PASSED!!!! SO HAPPY...
