Monday, March 23, 2009

Miracle of Life

Okay, so we've all seen some kind of teenage show where a bunch of teens in a "sex ed" class or a "biology" class have to watch some lady give birth.

When we watch those shows, don't get me wrong... it is HILARIOUS! Their faces all look funny and stuff. hahaha. Some girl ends up puking...yeap

Well guess what? For the past few days, AP Biology has been studying the "reproductive system"! It was really funny in the beginning of the chapter. Everyone would totally laugh or giggle when they heard the word, "penis" or "vagina". Well, not anymore...we've all gotten used to that word.

Anyway, today we had to watch "child birth." That is the most disturbing video I had to watch. Ever. Seriously.

We saw natural birth,
breached birth (when the baby comes out butt first),
C-section (the worst)

OMG... there was this one part where the doctor had to cut the lady's vagina so that the opening for the baby would be bigger and easier. I was like,


When the baby was out, the doctor stuck his hand in the vagina to clean it and pull out the placenta.... *screams*

Now... it kinda scares me to have kids.... I want kids...I still want kids... but this video made pain look so... scary...

Cathleen was like...."omg I don't want kids anymore... Now I see what my mom has to go through 5 times!"

Well the one good thing about the video was that I had NO SOUND! thank god... Or else I'm sure it would've been 100000000x worse! And every time I saw a baby come out... I'd kinda feel the pain too...... O______________O

So a baby comes out, then the umbilicus cord comes out, then the placenta.
That one was not bad. Natural was really quick and yeah... >.>"

But the thing that creeped me out the most (and I hope I never have to go through it) was the C-section. The doctor had to cut below the stomach, cut a few layers of skin, then cut the uterus then break the amnion bag (aka water bag) and then get the baby out.

AFTER THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! The doctor pulled out the uterus... YES PULLED IT OUR FROM THE BODY and stuck his hand INSIDE to clean it. OMG....


AND YOU KNOW WHAT'S WORSE?! The mom has to be awake! AWAKE! But of course, this is good old modern world, so they have anstethics and stuff to numb the body from all pain and feeling for a hours....

So yeah... that was my Biology class for today.
How scary...
Do I still want kids?!

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