Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Did I turn into a panda?
Since Saturday (I think), I have been taking naps everyday.
Honestly, it's really weird. Usually, I cannot fall asleep during the day, especially when the sunlight is shining through my window. Ever since I was little, I would find it hard to fall asleep during the day. Of course when night comes, its no problem.
Saturday, I slept for about an hour.
Sunday, one hour
Monday, forgot
Tuesday (today), about 2 hours.
Well, today I really did feel tired. My bed felt so comfy and so I fell asleep like that.
My mom was asking me why I have been napping. She was like, "Do you sleep well at night?!" I'm like I don't know. She's like "What do you mean you don't know?!" and then I'm like, "Okay, I sleep okay."
Honestly, I don't feel any difference when I wake up or fall asleep at night. I go to sleep around the same time, wake up around the same time... I don't have nightmares... I don't wake up in the middle of the night.
Maybe it's just a phase teenagers go through... the "sleeping" phase. LOL
Hmm.. maybe its also because of that one time of the month. I just got it today... but I don't think that's the reason because I've had it for like 5 years now and I never get sleepy when I get it. yeap....
Well its okay. I like my cat naps. XD I actually feel kind of better after I wake up. And yes... WOW! I actually took a nap four days straight!!! =O
Honestly, it's really weird. Usually, I cannot fall asleep during the day, especially when the sunlight is shining through my window. Ever since I was little, I would find it hard to fall asleep during the day. Of course when night comes, its no problem.
Saturday, I slept for about an hour.
Sunday, one hour
Monday, forgot
Tuesday (today), about 2 hours.
Well, today I really did feel tired. My bed felt so comfy and so I fell asleep like that.
My mom was asking me why I have been napping. She was like, "Do you sleep well at night?!" I'm like I don't know. She's like "What do you mean you don't know?!" and then I'm like, "Okay, I sleep okay."
Honestly, I don't feel any difference when I wake up or fall asleep at night. I go to sleep around the same time, wake up around the same time... I don't have nightmares... I don't wake up in the middle of the night.
Maybe it's just a phase teenagers go through... the "sleeping" phase. LOL
Hmm.. maybe its also because of that one time of the month. I just got it today... but I don't think that's the reason because I've had it for like 5 years now and I never get sleepy when I get it. yeap....
Well its okay. I like my cat naps. XD I actually feel kind of better after I wake up. And yes... WOW! I actually took a nap four days straight!!! =O
Monday, March 30, 2009
I sneezed a lot
Well... today is Monday. How nice! =) I like Mondays. Only thing I don't like it the part where I have to wake up and I feel all sleepy and cranky, but after that, I totally enjoy my day.
Anyway, today, I sneezed. Like A LOT. I don't know, but maybe I'm coming down with a cold. I hope not though. I have a runny nose and my throat feels dry and I was kinda sleepy. =X
Oh, last week, Mr. Luu (the GPA killer/Trig teacher) gave us a project. I can't solve it. I kept thinking about it during the weekend =.="
Basically, there are two street lights across the street facing the main gate of school. We have to find the distance between the two street lights. Here's the twist, we can't cross the street and we can use ONLY trigonometry. =.="
I wanted to use physics + trig = answer. But Mr. Luu wouldn't let me do it that way!!!!!
Anyway, today, I sneezed. Like A LOT. I don't know, but maybe I'm coming down with a cold. I hope not though. I have a runny nose and my throat feels dry and I was kinda sleepy. =X
Oh, last week, Mr. Luu (the GPA killer/Trig teacher) gave us a project. I can't solve it. I kept thinking about it during the weekend =.="
Basically, there are two street lights across the street facing the main gate of school. We have to find the distance between the two street lights. Here's the twist, we can't cross the street and we can use ONLY trigonometry. =.="
I wanted to use physics + trig = answer. But Mr. Luu wouldn't let me do it that way!!!!!
Math better watch out! I'm going to kick it's ass!!!
Math better watch out! I'm going to kick it's ass!!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Txt Msg
Okay, so I got home around 5 today. I was really tired, but it was a really nice day. I wanted to go out for a walk but .. tired.. T_T and I have to go to church later. I don't want to dropped dead or fall asleep in the middle everything... LOL
Anyway, my mom asked me if I knew anyone named JERRY LIANG.
DO I KNOW HIM?! Right now, unfortunately .... yes.... =.="
He sent me a text message saying that he "missed me"
and you know what's the worst part? My dad read it. I can imagine how he reacted... and I don't see a pretty picture......
and my mom was like, I think I know who it is. (cuz my mom has seen him a few times)
She asked me if there was anything going on between us...
I was like NO WAYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't even talk to him anymore!!!!
Great way to end the week isn't it? Stay after school for a class, come home get a freaking disturbing text message... =.=" How nice....
Anyway, my mom asked me if I knew anyone named JERRY LIANG.
DO I KNOW HIM?! Right now, unfortunately .... yes.... =.="
He sent me a text message saying that he "missed me"
and you know what's the worst part? My dad read it. I can imagine how he reacted... and I don't see a pretty picture......
and my mom was like, I think I know who it is. (cuz my mom has seen him a few times)
She asked me if there was anything going on between us...
I was like NO WAYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't even talk to him anymore!!!!
Great way to end the week isn't it? Stay after school for a class, come home get a freaking disturbing text message... =.=" How nice....
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Randon stuff
For the pass few days, I've been feeling weird. Time somehow is playing with my head. Monday felt like Monday. Tuesday felt like Monday. Today (Wednesday) felt like Thursday. I thought tommorrow was Tuesday. On my paper, for some weird reason, I wrote "03/25/06".
weird huh?
weird huh?
I've been feeling really tired for the pass few days too. I almost fell asleep in class yesterday and today. Yep yep.
I need a nap. How do people take naps? I don't get it... I can almost never take a nap (during the day) unless I'm like SUPER tired or like sick.
Oh yeah. I like curly fries... LOL <<>
I'm looking forward to Spring Break. I'm also looking forward to the next Professional Development day. We get out of school earlier. =D And oh yes! APRIL FOOLS!
I feel cold right now, but the sun is shining right at me. O.o
I want more curly fries.
Is it me... or are there just couples everywhere I look now?
My skin is like WHITE.
It's so dry too.
For the first time ever, I can actually see the crevasses.
It makes me feel old.
Cuz it seems like I have wrinkles.
I want DIM SUM!!!!!!!!
It's so dry too.
For the first time ever, I can actually see the crevasses.
It makes me feel old.
Cuz it seems like I have wrinkles.
I want DIM SUM!!!!!!!!
I should go do my homework....
Need to study for math, AP Biology......
I need to take PE...
>.>" PE is a stupid class...
So is Health and Life Skills.
If you have sex use condoms!
Why don't people just NOT do it?!
You know there was a blood drive in school today,
and after people donated blood they were given
that is so out of place.
Need to study for math, AP Biology......
I need to take PE...
>.>" PE is a stupid class...
So is Health and Life Skills.
If you have sex use condoms!
Why don't people just NOT do it?!
You know there was a blood drive in school today,
and after people donated blood they were given
that is so out of place.
Yeap... I think I'm done with my thoughts.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Miracle of Life
Okay, so we've all seen some kind of teenage show where a bunch of teens in a "sex ed" class or a "biology" class have to watch some lady give birth.
When we watch those shows, don't get me wrong... it is HILARIOUS! Their faces all look funny and stuff. hahaha. Some girl ends up puking...yeap
Well guess what? For the past few days, AP Biology has been studying the "reproductive system"! It was really funny in the beginning of the chapter. Everyone would totally laugh or giggle when they heard the word, "penis" or "vagina". Well, not anymore...we've all gotten used to that word.
Anyway, today we had to watch "child birth." That is the most disturbing video I had to watch. Ever. Seriously.
We saw natural birth,
breached birth (when the baby comes out butt first),
C-section (the worst)
OMG... there was this one part where the doctor had to cut the lady's vagina so that the opening for the baby would be bigger and easier. I was like,
Now... it kinda scares me to have kids.... I want kids...I still want kids... but this video made pain look so... scary...
Cathleen was like...."omg I don't want kids anymore... Now I see what my mom has to go through 5 times!"
Well the one good thing about the video was that I had NO SOUND! thank god... Or else I'm sure it would've been 100000000x worse! And every time I saw a baby come out... I'd kinda feel the pain too...... O______________O
So a baby comes out, then the umbilicus cord comes out, then the placenta.
That one was not bad. Natural was really quick and yeah... >.>"
But the thing that creeped me out the most (and I hope I never have to go through it) was the C-section. The doctor had to cut below the stomach, cut a few layers of skin, then cut the uterus then break the amnion bag (aka water bag) and then get the baby out.
AFTER THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! The doctor pulled out the uterus... YES PULLED IT OUR FROM THE BODY and stuck his hand INSIDE to clean it. OMG....
AND YOU KNOW WHAT'S WORSE?! The mom has to be awake! AWAKE! But of course, this is good old modern world, so they have anstethics and stuff to numb the body from all pain and feeling for a hours....
When we watch those shows, don't get me wrong... it is HILARIOUS! Their faces all look funny and stuff. hahaha. Some girl ends up puking...yeap
Well guess what? For the past few days, AP Biology has been studying the "reproductive system"! It was really funny in the beginning of the chapter. Everyone would totally laugh or giggle when they heard the word, "penis" or "vagina". Well, not anymore...we've all gotten used to that word.
Anyway, today we had to watch "child birth." That is the most disturbing video I had to watch. Ever. Seriously.
We saw natural birth,
breached birth (when the baby comes out butt first),
C-section (the worst)
OMG... there was this one part where the doctor had to cut the lady's vagina so that the opening for the baby would be bigger and easier. I was like,
When the baby was out, the doctor stuck his hand in the vagina to clean it and pull out the placenta.... *screams*
Now... it kinda scares me to have kids.... I want kids...I still want kids... but this video made pain look so... scary...
Cathleen was like...."omg I don't want kids anymore... Now I see what my mom has to go through 5 times!"
Well the one good thing about the video was that I had NO SOUND! thank god... Or else I'm sure it would've been 100000000x worse! And every time I saw a baby come out... I'd kinda feel the pain too...... O______________O
So a baby comes out, then the umbilicus cord comes out, then the placenta.
That one was not bad. Natural was really quick and yeah... >.>"
But the thing that creeped me out the most (and I hope I never have to go through it) was the C-section. The doctor had to cut below the stomach, cut a few layers of skin, then cut the uterus then break the amnion bag (aka water bag) and then get the baby out.
AFTER THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! The doctor pulled out the uterus... YES PULLED IT OUR FROM THE BODY and stuck his hand INSIDE to clean it. OMG....
AND YOU KNOW WHAT'S WORSE?! The mom has to be awake! AWAKE! But of course, this is good old modern world, so they have anstethics and stuff to numb the body from all pain and feeling for a hours....
So yeah... that was my Biology class for today.
How scary...
Do I still want kids?!
How scary...
Do I still want kids?!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Ah today sucks.
I am not qualified to run for YUCA cabinet.
This just made my week FAN-TAS-TIC!
I was only 2 events away from being qualified and you need 7 events to run.
I know, I know,
There is always next year.
I am not qualified to run for YUCA cabinet.
This just made my week FAN-TAS-TIC!
I was only 2 events away from being qualified and you need 7 events to run.
I know, I know,
There is always next year.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Alan's quotes
I like Alan's quote:
"When I was a child,
I spoke as a child,
I understood as a child,
I thought as a child;
But when I became a man,
I put childish things away."
- 1 Corinthians 13:11
"When I was a child,
I spoke as a child,
I understood as a child,
I thought as a child;
But when I became a man,
I put childish things away."
- 1 Corinthians 13:11
Yeah... from the Bible.
I actually like a lot of things the Bible says.
I haven't read it in such a long time.
There are a few Bible verses that I keep in my heart that always comfort me.
"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me."
-John 10:14
Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
I used to chant it over and over again when I was scared or on my own.
4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.
-1 Corinthians 13:4-8
I always try to keep in mind that is what love is.
31 but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
-Isaiah 40:31
That's a beautiful verse.
I remember it is also a song.
I will go look for it and add it to my music player.
I actually like a lot of things the Bible says.
I haven't read it in such a long time.
There are a few Bible verses that I keep in my heart that always comfort me.
"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me."
-John 10:14
Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
-Psalm 23:4
That one in particular is my favourite and the one I think about the most.I used to chant it over and over again when I was scared or on my own.
4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.
-1 Corinthians 13:4-8
I always try to keep in mind that is what love is.31 but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
-Isaiah 40:31
That's a beautiful verse.I remember it is also a song.
I will go look for it and add it to my music player.
Sigh, What happened to me?
I'm so different now.
Sometimes, I feel like I've been to war
inside my head.
I've come out of that war
and somehow cannot comprehend
my old self.
It's weird.
I sometimes miss it
and sometimes don't.
Because that was the me that was clueless about life
But that was what made everything better.
I think I have turned into
what I used to despise.
I'm so different now.
Sometimes, I feel like I've been to war
inside my head.
I've come out of that war
and somehow cannot comprehend
my old self.
It's weird.
I sometimes miss it
and sometimes don't.
Because that was the me that was clueless about life
But that was what made everything better.
I think I have turned into
what I used to despise.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Slave Labor
So Lauer bought me and I have to help her out.
It was fun and tiring! =P
It was fun and tiring! =P
Tuesday was the first day I helped her out.
So much to do.
We cleaned up piles and piles and PILES of paper, classwork, notices, worksheets, books.... SO MUCH!
I dusted the place too.
I had to arrange the 10th grade portfolios too!
That was pretty easy.
My hands eventually became black and blue.
Black because of the dust.
Blue because of the ink.
It doesn't sound like a lot to do,
but believe me.
That room holds A LOT of things.(like treasuers!) LOL
And Maggie, Lauer and I have to clean up
8 years of accumulated mess.
Today, I helped out again.
This time, we cleaned out the closet.
In 2 hours, Maggie and I only managed to clean
ONE closet.
That was how messy it was.
But it's ALL GOOD!
We did a real good job cleaning it up.
And we're going to clean it up again next week
When it was about time we were done,
Maggie and I had to carry the trash down stairs and to the garbage cans.
It was sooo hard.
First, the trash was heavy.
Second, the trash bag was ripping.
It was kinda funny.
Maggie would be like, "1 2 3! Carry!"
and then we get to a "check point"
and Maggie goes, "REST!!"
I think I'll get Lauer some boxes.
She needs some boxes and some pen holders.
Maybe I'll bring a vacumn cleaner. (the small one)
Her room is so dusty!
I found so many dust bunnies! LOL
And I should bring rags too!
*Note to self: Bring more cleaning tools!*
Now, I'm really tired. Sigh.
But I have to do homework.
But I have to do homework.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Okay, now this is too much...
WAY too many people are getting involved...
I want it all to stop....
I don't want more people's feelings hurt.
Just need it to stop....
You know even if I have to take all the fault,
I'll take it.
I just don't want anymore feelings hurt.
It's bad enough already....
just... stop... please...
WAY too many people are getting involved...
I want it all to stop....
I don't want more people's feelings hurt.
Just need it to stop....
You know even if I have to take all the fault,
I'll take it.
I just don't want anymore feelings hurt.
It's bad enough already....
just... stop... please...
Monday, March 16, 2009
Dear blog,
Dear Blog,
I love you. You're the only one I can turn to when I'm sad. You don't say anything. You let me write all over you and it doesn't matter. Yes, I sound stupid. But then I don't have anyone to turn to really. I can talk to some people. Thank God. But I'm not close to any of them. =/
Today, she got mad at me. We were talking about her in 3rd. It was was just a conversation about how ironic she got with her bf on Friday the 13th. It really is ironic. Plus, we talked about how she had so many bfs before. Every single time she would have a relationship problem. It totally stresses EVERYONE around her out.
Then in 5thperiod, I saw her crying. I was wondering what happened. So, right before class ended, I went over to ask her how she was. She was like, "OMG! Don't touch me!!! STOP ACTING!!!!"
I wouldn't act if I didn't like you. I'd tell it straight to your face. I'd make you cry you eyes out. I know I sound so heartless.
She was acting all hostile to me. Saying that I was a backstabber. Did I betray her? I did not know I needed permission to give my opinion. I am sorry.
Turns out she was mad at me. Her "best friend" had eaves dropped and told her. Real nice.
But the thing was that, we weren't even saying bad things about her. We were just saying how we got stressed out every time there was a problem.
She cried in 5th and 6th. I looked like the bad guy/ girl. Just because I was not the one that was crying I was the bad guy.
Amy and Catherine started getting involved and stood in between us. I think she and I were both pissed off by them. And I know the 2 of them felt sorry for her because she was crying.
I don't think she realizes she overreacts too much and ends up hurting other people too.
I was actually mad after school, but when I got home, I started to cry. It was not because of her. It was because of everything I had been holding inside. This triggered it.
It's hard to keep everything in. So, this one thing that upset me just made cry because everything else was pushing its way out.
But then the thing is that I don't explode like she does. I used to and it wasn't good. So you can say I controlled my emotions and held it in.
She makes things into dramas. It's really annoying. After this "drama" is over, I'm not hanging out with her anymore. I'll still be her friend but I don't want anymore of her drama. It's clouding my head.
I need to stay focused. There's AP tests coming up in 1 month+ .
I love you. You're the only one I can turn to when I'm sad. You don't say anything. You let me write all over you and it doesn't matter. Yes, I sound stupid. But then I don't have anyone to turn to really. I can talk to some people. Thank God. But I'm not close to any of them. =/
Today, she got mad at me. We were talking about her in 3rd. It was was just a conversation about how ironic she got with her bf on Friday the 13th. It really is ironic. Plus, we talked about how she had so many bfs before. Every single time she would have a relationship problem. It totally stresses EVERYONE around her out.
Then in 5thperiod, I saw her crying. I was wondering what happened. So, right before class ended, I went over to ask her how she was. She was like, "OMG! Don't touch me!!! STOP ACTING!!!!"
I wouldn't act if I didn't like you. I'd tell it straight to your face. I'd make you cry you eyes out. I know I sound so heartless.
She was acting all hostile to me. Saying that I was a backstabber. Did I betray her? I did not know I needed permission to give my opinion. I am sorry.
Turns out she was mad at me. Her "best friend" had eaves dropped and told her. Real nice.
But the thing was that, we weren't even saying bad things about her. We were just saying how we got stressed out every time there was a problem.
She cried in 5th and 6th. I looked like the bad guy/ girl. Just because I was not the one that was crying I was the bad guy.
Amy and Catherine started getting involved and stood in between us. I think she and I were both pissed off by them. And I know the 2 of them felt sorry for her because she was crying.
I don't think she realizes she overreacts too much and ends up hurting other people too.
I was actually mad after school, but when I got home, I started to cry. It was not because of her. It was because of everything I had been holding inside. This triggered it.
It's hard to keep everything in. So, this one thing that upset me just made cry because everything else was pushing its way out.
But then the thing is that I don't explode like she does. I used to and it wasn't good. So you can say I controlled my emotions and held it in.
She makes things into dramas. It's really annoying. After this "drama" is over, I'm not hanging out with her anymore. I'll still be her friend but I don't want anymore of her drama. It's clouding my head.
I need to stay focused. There's AP tests coming up in 1 month+ .
I need to find a new group of friends.
No couples.
No dramas.
No melodramatic people.
I need someone who will study with me.
I'm going to stay at my English/ Biology teacher's class now.
People here have no idea how hard it is to leave home.
You have no more friends.
You leave too many things.
You have to start over.
It's hard to see other people with everything you lost.
It's even harder to hold it in with a smile on your face.
No couples.
No dramas.
No melodramatic people.
I need someone who will study with me.
I'm going to stay at my English/ Biology teacher's class now.
People here have no idea how hard it is to leave home.
You have no more friends.
You leave too many things.
You have to start over.
It's hard to see other people with everything you lost.
It's even harder to hold it in with a smile on your face.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
a random post
This is a random post.
I saw one of Britney Spear's music videos, "If You Seek Amy".
It's not bad.
I like the beat.
It's on my music player.
Go listen to it.
It's not bad.
I like the beat.
It's on my music player.
Go listen to it.
There's another weird but cool song on it too.
"In the Morning" by Junior Boys
I like the beat.
It's totally awesome.
"In the Morning" by Junior Boys
I like the beat.
It's totally awesome.
Ummm.... So what other thoughts do I have?
Oh yeah, I start working for my "master" tomorrow.
I wonder what she's going to make me do,
probably clean up her classroom.
Honestly, I am REALLY glad that Ms Lauer bought me
and not Anthony Tran.
It would've put a really weird picture in everyone's head.
I think it already did.
When I was walking to class,
my teachers and friends were asking me
if Anthony like me.
I was like....
They were like,
"...but there must be something if a guy is willing to bid THAT HIGH for a girl."
I was like,
"Nahhh, we're just friends."
But I was thinking,
Ummm.... So what other thoughts do I have?
Oh yeah, I start working for my "master" tomorrow.
I wonder what she's going to make me do,
probably clean up her classroom.
Honestly, I am REALLY glad that Ms Lauer bought me
and not Anthony Tran.
It would've put a really weird picture in everyone's head.
I think it already did.
When I was walking to class,
my teachers and friends were asking me
if Anthony like me.
I was like....
They were like,
"...but there must be something if a guy is willing to bid THAT HIGH for a girl."
I was like,
"Nahhh, we're just friends."
But I was thinking,
Saturday, March 14, 2009
This is so expected but...
Okay, so these two people got together.
I had predicted it.
I'm physic.
But, my reaction was really weird.
Firstly, I didn't want them to get together. I don't know why, but its just weird.
Secondly, She had so many boyfriends
Thirdly, they only knew each other for less than 1 month =.="
Fourthly, I foresee that they will break up.
Just watch.
Umm... my reaction... was... anger... o.o"
for some reason I was angry.
Usually when people get together,
I could careless...
And when I realized I was angry,
I was like WTF?!?!
Very very... extremely weird....
Now, I don't think I want to hang out with them anymore.
I'm going to go find another group of people to hang with.
Now, all I have to say to sum this thing up is....
I had predicted it.
I'm physic.
But, my reaction was really weird.
Firstly, I didn't want them to get together. I don't know why, but its just weird.
Secondly, She had so many boyfriends
Thirdly, they only knew each other for less than 1 month =.="
Fourthly, I foresee that they will break up.
Just watch.
Umm... my reaction... was... anger... o.o"
for some reason I was angry.
Usually when people get together,
I could careless...
And when I realized I was angry,
I was like WTF?!?!
Very very... extremely weird....
Now, I don't think I want to hang out with them anymore.
I'm going to go find another group of people to hang with.
Now, all I have to say to sum this thing up is....
Friday, March 13, 2009
I am now... a slave!!!
Wow today was a crazy day!
In one of my previous posts, I mentioned that AcaDeca was going to have an auction. We decathletes were going to be auctioned and you get what I mean, right? =D
On Thursday, we we sold I think 4 decathletes.
Yeap, those were the people auctioned off yesterday.
Today's was SO MUCH fun!
In one of my previous posts, I mentioned that AcaDeca was going to have an auction. We decathletes were going to be auctioned and you get what I mean, right? =D
On Thursday, we we sold I think 4 decathletes.
Carlos - $6 - Master Jia Ying
Ashley - $25 - Master/Boyfriend Johnson
Cherry -$15.50 (I think)
Lisa - $21 - Master Mr Garcia
Ashley - $25 - Master/Boyfriend Johnson
Cherry -$15.50 (I think)
Lisa - $21 - Master Mr Garcia
Yeap, those were the people auctioned off yesterday.
Today's was SO MUCH fun!
Chris - forgot
Maggie - $25 - Master Ali Lauer
Maggie - $25 - Master Ali Lauer
Brian - $13 (I think) -Master Tim
Joseph - I wasn't paying attention - Master Tim
Helen - $16 ( I think) - Master Adam
Anagaby - $20 I think - Master/Boyfriend Rene
Me - $35 - Master Ali Lauer & Ashley
Joseph - I wasn't paying attention - Master Tim
Helen - $16 ( I think) - Master Adam
Anagaby - $20 I think - Master/Boyfriend Rene
Me - $35 - Master Ali Lauer & Ashley
Crazy huh? =D
Ms. Lauer and Anthony Tran were having a bidding war! LOL
Let me try to "react" it. Kinda.
Ms. Crabtree: This is Waverly. She looks good in black and denim. She's someone you'll totally look cool with! She can cook, tutor you in anything, she'll walk around school with you, do anything you want as long as it isn't illegal or homework!
Me: *wink*wink*
Ms. Crabtree: Let's start the bid at 3dollars! Do I hear 3 dollars?
*I hear people shouting these numbers*
It was really funny. It was hilarious. I was laughing SO HARD!
=P Now I am Ms. Lauer's "slave". I will have to work off 24 hours. hehe.
Since she bought Maggie too, it won't be a problem. I will have a companion. =D
We'll hae to do a certain "project" and she also wants us to clean and organize her room.
Ms. Lauer and Anthony Tran were having a bidding war! LOL
Let me try to "react" it. Kinda.
Ms. Crabtree: This is Waverly. She looks good in black and denim. She's someone you'll totally look cool with! She can cook, tutor you in anything, she'll walk around school with you, do anything you want as long as it isn't illegal or homework!
Me: *wink*wink*
Ms. Crabtree: Let's start the bid at 3dollars! Do I hear 3 dollars?
*I hear people shouting these numbers*
And everytime Anthony made a higher bid, Lauer would give him an evil GLARE!
And everytime Lauer bumped up the price,
Anthony would have this "damn, I'm gonna be broke" kinda look!
Ms. Crabtree: GOING ONCE! Going TWICE! SOLD!!! To Ms. Lauer!!!!!
And everytime Anthony made a higher bid, Lauer would give him an evil GLARE!
And everytime Lauer bumped up the price,
Anthony would have this "damn, I'm gonna be broke" kinda look!
It was really funny. It was hilarious. I was laughing SO HARD!
=P Now I am Ms. Lauer's "slave". I will have to work off 24 hours. hehe.
Since she bought Maggie too, it won't be a problem. I will have a companion. =D
We'll hae to do a certain "project" and she also wants us to clean and organize her room.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Today, I had 2 tests: Biology & PreCalc
I noticed that it's ALWAYS on the same day =.="
Aiya.. so stressful...
I bet Mr. Luu plots this.
He probably finds out which days we're going to have tests.
And gives us tests on the SAME DAY! =O
Today, I am so sad.
I did not get a good grade on my Bio test.
I hope my PreCalc is better.
I studied so hard for it both.
After school, I had a job interview.
It was to be a tutor at the Lincoln Heights Tutorial Program.
aka LHTP
So much shorter... =P
I think the interview went really well.
It was altogether about 25 minutes long.
Time flew by pretty fast.
Hope I get a position.
Right now, I don't want to do my homework.
I studied Biology just now
and reviewed math.
So sad.
So mad.
I think I'll go buy a booster.
You know those long pillows.
I like those pillows.
I had one.
It was so comfy to sleep with.
It felt like someone was next to me.
When I was little it felt like
my mom was next to me.
So, it was really easy to fall asleep.
I don't have one anymore.
I miss having one.
I actually got blankets and rolled it up
to make something like a booster.
Haha... It's very comforting to hug.
I just want more space at home.
This house is so tiny.
There's so many people.
I can't do anything in peace.
There's always some kind of noise.
I want to go to the park alone a lot of times,
but I know my parents won't let me.
I want some space.
I can't even SIT down and read a book comfortable anymore.
and that's my favourite thing to do alone.
I don't like this chair the one I'm sitting on right now.
It's painful after a while.
My bed SINKS to one side...
Forget about the "couch"
Its not even a "couch".
Plus my dad is right there.
Definitely FORGET about the backyard.
It's a jungle.
I noticed that it's ALWAYS on the same day =.="
Aiya.. so stressful...
I bet Mr. Luu plots this.
He probably finds out which days we're going to have tests.
And gives us tests on the SAME DAY! =O
Today, I am so sad.
I did not get a good grade on my Bio test.
I hope my PreCalc is better.
I studied so hard for it both.
After school, I had a job interview.
It was to be a tutor at the Lincoln Heights Tutorial Program.
aka LHTP
So much shorter... =P
I think the interview went really well.
It was altogether about 25 minutes long.
Time flew by pretty fast.
Hope I get a position.
Right now, I don't want to do my homework.
I studied Biology just now
and reviewed math.
So sad.
So mad.
I think I'll go buy a booster.
You know those long pillows.
I like those pillows.
I had one.
It was so comfy to sleep with.
It felt like someone was next to me.
When I was little it felt like
my mom was next to me.
So, it was really easy to fall asleep.
I don't have one anymore.
I miss having one.
I actually got blankets and rolled it up
to make something like a booster.
Haha... It's very comforting to hug.
I just want more space at home.
This house is so tiny.
There's so many people.
I can't do anything in peace.
There's always some kind of noise.
I want to go to the park alone a lot of times,
but I know my parents won't let me.
I want some space.
I can't even SIT down and read a book comfortable anymore.
and that's my favourite thing to do alone.
I don't like this chair the one I'm sitting on right now.
It's painful after a while.
My bed SINKS to one side...
Forget about the "couch"
Its not even a "couch".
Plus my dad is right there.
Definitely FORGET about the backyard.
It's a jungle.
I'm so pissed off at life right now...
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Pick up lines ;P
So, the thought of random pick up lines came to my mind because I was thinking about Tim from AP Biology. He's the new Teacher's Assistant (TA). Everyday, he walks in with a new pick-up line and writes it on the board. I have to say, I really like it. ;P I'd totally date him if he used one of those pick-up lines on me.................................
HAHAHA... No, I'm just kidding... seriously...
Only the first two are Tim's pick-up lines
HAHAHA... No, I'm just kidding... seriously...
Only the first two are Tim's pick-up lines
You're like a dictionary, you bring meaning to my life.
You're like a pencil, if I didn't have you, my world would be pointless.
(Here's some geeky ones)
If I were an enzyme, I'd be DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes.
I wish I were adenine because then I could get paired with U.
(Cheesy~~ )
I lost my teddy bear, will you sleep with me?
Did it hurt when you fell?
[Girl: Huh?]
When you fell from heaven?
You: Your father must have been a thief.
Them: Huh?
You: Because he stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes.
What's your favourite color?
[Person replies: *insert color here*]
Mine too!!
What would you say if I called you beautiful?
You're like a pencil, if I didn't have you, my world would be pointless.
(Here's some geeky ones)
If I were an enzyme, I'd be DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes.
I wish I were adenine because then I could get paired with U.
(Cheesy~~ )
I lost my teddy bear, will you sleep with me?
Did it hurt when you fell?
[Girl: Huh?]
When you fell from heaven?
You: Your father must have been a thief.
Them: Huh?
You: Because he stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes.
What's your favourite color?
[Person replies: *insert color here*]
Mine too!!
What would you say if I called you beautiful?
Hahaha.. cute huh?
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Twilight... sucks...
Okay, so I just watched the "Twilight" movie today. I know it's long gone, but yeah I watched it... and I to describe this movie, I have one word - HORRIBLE!
#1 - Edward is so ugly... his hair... his eyebrows... his chin... omg.. =.=" WHO PICKED HIM?!!
#2 - Bella is so freaking annoying... she just keeps staring at Edward like some dumb-@ss
#3 - My favourite character Alice was BARELY in the movie!!!!!
#4 - The movie was a "cut & paste" of the book.
#5 - The scenery was no where close to the description of the book
#6 - The movie made no sense....
#7 - The supernatural movements were very "unnatural"
#8 - Jacob SHOULD NOT have long hair!!!! OH MY GOSH! He looked so hot with short hair. Instead, he had "Indian" hair-do.
#9 - When Edward "sparkled" in the sunlight, you could barely tell it was a sparkle. It looked more like he was wet... >.>"
#10 - This movie made me mad... its a total movie killer.
#11 - Rosalie was not pretty. AT ALL. She was suppose to be the prettiest vampire there! =O
#12 - WHY WAS JASPER SO TINY?! He's suppose to be buff!!!
#13 - The camera movement made me dizzy.
#14 - Aiya, this movie sucked... BIG TIME...
Advice to all people who have not watched the movie...
DON'T WATCH IT! It's just going to kill everything... like the 3rd book... >.>
#1 - Edward is so ugly... his hair... his eyebrows... his chin... omg.. =.=" WHO PICKED HIM?!!
#2 - Bella is so freaking annoying... she just keeps staring at Edward like some dumb-@ss
#3 - My favourite character Alice was BARELY in the movie!!!!!
#4 - The movie was a "cut & paste" of the book.
#5 - The scenery was no where close to the description of the book
#6 - The movie made no sense....
#7 - The supernatural movements were very "unnatural"
#8 - Jacob SHOULD NOT have long hair!!!! OH MY GOSH! He looked so hot with short hair. Instead, he had "Indian" hair-do.
#9 - When Edward "sparkled" in the sunlight, you could barely tell it was a sparkle. It looked more like he was wet... >.>"
#10 - This movie made me mad... its a total movie killer.
#11 - Rosalie was not pretty. AT ALL. She was suppose to be the prettiest vampire there! =O
#12 - WHY WAS JASPER SO TINY?! He's suppose to be buff!!!
#13 - The camera movement made me dizzy.
#14 - Aiya, this movie sucked... BIG TIME...
Advice to all people who have not watched the movie...
DON'T WATCH IT! It's just going to kill everything... like the 3rd book... >.>
Thursday, March 5, 2009
So... Tired...
I am so tired today.
School felt like it took forever.
Yet it felt like there wasn't enough time for anything.
Right now, my mind is so fuzzy.
I can barely remember what I did in school today.
Except my Biology experiment.
That was really cool.
We had E. Coli (a type of bacteria)
We kind of "changed" its DNA.
Actually, we were inserting DNA.
And tommorrow,
it is suppose to glow when we put it under UV light.
Can't wait!! =D
After school, I went to Phan's house then to Rey's.
I straightened her hair there.
It was hard to straighten her hair.
2 reasons -
1- The iron straightener was really tiny.
2- Phan's hair was thick
But in the end,
Phan's hair did come out straight.
She wasn't very happy with it.
I wasn't either.
I could've done a better job with a better iron.
During YUCA,
I was practically dozing off.
All I wanted was a DRINK.
I was like dying for a drink of water, soda, whatever.. as long as it was liquid.
Alan cooked for me!
So sweet! =)
I liked it. So did Cathleen. haha.
But stoopid Michelle didn't try it. >=O
At least Anthony tried it!! =P
I couldn't finish it.
Actually I wasn't in the mood to eat.
For some reason I was really tired.
So tired I didn't wanna eat even though I was hungry.
I got home.. and
a lot of homework.
But I managed to finish it.
I'm happy.
I want to go to sleep now.
I think...
I'll stay up a little longer
to study for Biology.
School felt like it took forever.
Yet it felt like there wasn't enough time for anything.
Right now, my mind is so fuzzy.
I can barely remember what I did in school today.
Except my Biology experiment.
That was really cool.
We had E. Coli (a type of bacteria)
We kind of "changed" its DNA.
Actually, we were inserting DNA.
And tommorrow,
it is suppose to glow when we put it under UV light.
Can't wait!! =D
After school, I went to Phan's house then to Rey's.
I straightened her hair there.
It was hard to straighten her hair.
2 reasons -
1- The iron straightener was really tiny.
2- Phan's hair was thick
But in the end,
Phan's hair did come out straight.
She wasn't very happy with it.
I wasn't either.
I could've done a better job with a better iron.
During YUCA,
I was practically dozing off.
All I wanted was a DRINK.
I was like dying for a drink of water, soda, whatever.. as long as it was liquid.
Alan cooked for me!
So sweet! =)
I liked it. So did Cathleen. haha.
But stoopid Michelle didn't try it. >=O
At least Anthony tried it!! =P
I couldn't finish it.
Actually I wasn't in the mood to eat.
For some reason I was really tired.
So tired I didn't wanna eat even though I was hungry.
I got home.. and
a lot of homework.
But I managed to finish it.
I'm happy.
I want to go to sleep now.
I think...
I'll stay up a little longer
to study for Biology.
I want that A!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
I'm on sale?!?!
Okay, so as most of you know it,
I'm a total nerd and
therefore am in Academic Decathlon (AcaDeca).
So, AcaDeca is having a fundraiser
and we have the weirdest fundraiser, ever...
It's next Thursday (03/12/09)
& Friday(03/13/09)
During lunch
in Ms. Crabtree's room (646)
We're basically "auctioning" the decathletes.
Since I am one of the decathletes,
I obviously WILL be auctioned off.
So, the minimum bid starts at $3.
Whoever buys the decathlete,
will technically "OWN" them for
a day.
they buy the person for
$20 or more.
Then you can have the person
for more than a day.
Anyone who buys us
can pretty much make us their servant for the day.
We'll do anything for you.
do you homework,
(but we tutor)
and any illegal things.
I think it'll be fun,
but I don't think anyone
will buy me.
Even if I was bought,
I wouldn't want to be bought at like
So... I have to come up with at least 5 things about myself that I can
"sell" or "advertise"
1- I can tutor Mandarin, Math, European History, Biology
2- I'll make you laugh (?, I hope)
3- Give rides home... =P
4- Cook! hahaha
5- Listen to you talk all day
6- Carry your books
7- Take notes for you
8- Play tetris with you. I suck, so you'll always win! LMAO
9- Tell you 100 & 1 things about Malaysia.
10- Hit some one that annoys you.
11- Be a friend! (*Bonus: it's not for one day, it's for LIFE*)
12- I run out of ideas... LOL
So well, yeah...
I will be sold...
for a...
I'm a total nerd and
therefore am in Academic Decathlon (AcaDeca).
So, AcaDeca is having a fundraiser
and we have the weirdest fundraiser, ever...
It's next Thursday (03/12/09)
& Friday(03/13/09)
During lunch
in Ms. Crabtree's room (646)
We're basically "auctioning" the decathletes.
Since I am one of the decathletes,
I obviously WILL be auctioned off.
So, the minimum bid starts at $3.
Whoever buys the decathlete,
will technically "OWN" them for
a day.
they buy the person for
$20 or more.
Then you can have the person
for more than a day.
Anyone who buys us
can pretty much make us their servant for the day.
We'll do anything for you.
do you homework,
(but we tutor)
and any illegal things.
I think it'll be fun,
but I don't think anyone
will buy me.
Even if I was bought,
I wouldn't want to be bought at like
So... I have to come up with at least 5 things about myself that I can
"sell" or "advertise"
1- I can tutor Mandarin, Math, European History, Biology
2- I'll make you laugh (?, I hope)
3- Give rides home... =P
4- Cook! hahaha
5- Listen to you talk all day
6- Carry your books
7- Take notes for you
8- Play tetris with you. I suck, so you'll always win! LMAO
9- Tell you 100 & 1 things about Malaysia.
10- Hit some one that annoys you.
11- Be a friend! (*Bonus: it's not for one day, it's for LIFE*)
12- I run out of ideas... LOL
So well, yeah...
I will be sold...
for a...
Sunday, March 1, 2009
I want it... LOL
Okay, so I went to Americana yesterday. It was REALLLLYYY nice. haha
The outside is like really pretty park and sunlight shines into all the stores.
Makes everything bright and not depressing
Anyway, I went around window shopping and my mom and I ended up getting some clothes. My mom bought Forever 21 clothes. LOL Thats cool, but kinda weird all the same. We brought my baby sister along, so I had to take care of Ellie when my mom was in the fitting room. While I was waiting for her, people kept looking at me like I was weird. THAT WAS WHAT I FEAR!! =O
Anyway, I got this really nice top. Bareback. So I had to get a cardigan to go with it. haha. I'd probably wear it plain bareback for a special occassion. =D
AND I WAS trying to look for this reallllllyyyy nice top at Marciano's!! I couldn't find it!!! D=<
I want it!!
Clicky on Marciano's! <<<<<
That top is so sexy! hahahahahaha... yeah.
Ahh I turn so casual now. lololol I need to go back to last time when I dressed up more! XD
The outside is like really pretty park and sunlight shines into all the stores.
Makes everything bright and not depressing
Anyway, I went around window shopping and my mom and I ended up getting some clothes. My mom bought Forever 21 clothes. LOL Thats cool, but kinda weird all the same. We brought my baby sister along, so I had to take care of Ellie when my mom was in the fitting room. While I was waiting for her, people kept looking at me like I was weird. THAT WAS WHAT I FEAR!! =O
Anyway, I got this really nice top. Bareback. So I had to get a cardigan to go with it. haha. I'd probably wear it plain bareback for a special occassion. =D
AND I WAS trying to look for this reallllllyyyy nice top at Marciano's!! I couldn't find it!!! D=<

Clicky on Marciano's! <<<<<
That top is so sexy! hahahahahaha... yeah.
Ahh I turn so casual now. lololol I need to go back to last time when I dressed up more! XD
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