Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I was going through my friends blogs and I realize that quite a few of them had the same "theme"

- Hope.

I thought it was quite interesting how so many people were talking about hope. Then it made me think about hope in my life. I reflected a bit on my life and I saw how important hope has been to me. Through my ups and downs and even up till now, I hope is one of those things I move forward for.

I think its a beautiful thing to have, Hope. No matter how down and out you are, hope is that small hole with streams of light coming through when its dark everywhere. And I know many of my friends are not religious, but many are as well. So, I say to my friends who are... I
am glad how God gives me hope everyday in my life. No matter how big or small. A lot of it is probably Grace as well.

Like when I cried so hard when I got my math test back I had my friends to hug and comfort me. Then I still go on crying and Yong just sat next to me and told me he'd help me with my math. I just took a test just now. I probably failed.... again.... but I think I got it a bit better because Yong helped me the day before. xD Like Jenn's posts would say... Yong GMH. lol yup Terima Kasih ^_^

Then there are disasters that happen and I feel like I can't move on in life. When you think that you're going to loose your family and you start to lose yourself. You cry so much to the point you can't cry anymore and you just can't express how much grief there is within you. You can literally feel your heart being ripped apart and the veins in your body turn cold. I remember seeing a face I loved to much with so much pain and agony. It was so hard to look at and that image stains your memory. But then I remember I even though I felt like that, I could still stay calm and composed.

I think that was my hope, the one God gave me. People think I am crazy and ask me how I know it's from God. I don't know how to explain. It's just something you experience to understand. It's pretty extraordinary and quite literally.

Then there are some petty feelings like homesickness. But when I look around me and see the new friends that I have made. I feel a bit better, like I can somehow cope with it. A lot of times I feel left out in a lot of things because like one of my friend calls it, I am a "tainted ABC/FOB." Not a "true ABC" for having lived overseas. Not a "true FOB" for not being born overseas. But Then I think about how ridiculous it is I laugh. I ask myself why we call each other these things when we are all the same - ASIAN.

But anyway, class is ending.


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