Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Well, I don't have much to say about today. Actually, I just don't want to talk about today.
But I do want to say thank you to all my friends. I know it's way past Thanksgiving, but yeah...
Especially to Paula for today. I don't know if you read blogs or even mine. lol But thanks for being there for me today. =) I'm sorry I just started crying out of nowhere. I did not intend to. I just wanted a hug but I ended up sobbing. >.< Thanks for listening. Sorry to keep you from going wherever it is you had to go. You're awesome though. =)
Thank You Bernadette for sticking with me like always. Since 9th grade all the way till now. I really treasure our friendship. I enjoyed 3rd period in freshman year and you were one of those people who made it great! I love all the stuff you make and make. It's full of homemade love. Whenever I'm with you I feel like I have a best friend. It's a nice feeling. You're really awesome and caring. You take care of me always. I am especially glad you're with me in Acadeca. I think if you were not in Acadeca, I would go insane. You know, I'm glad if you get my spot in Acadeca. I'd support you and help you all the way because you do that for me all the time.
Lily! The person I treat like my big sister. I annoy you and you still tolerate me. Haha. Thank you very much. You take care of me too. Give me lots of advice. Tell me not to go crazy by taking a bunch of AP classes. lol. I like all the drama's you introduce me too. AND I LOVE YOUR STORIES! #1 FAN RIGHT HERE! LOL Glad you're my friend ^_^
Adrian =) Haha. It's so funny how our friendship started. XD I'm glad I got to know you. I enjoy talking to you. Sorry we don't talk as often now. We're both busy with school now. You kept me company a lot. =) You're like a big brother sort of person to me. ^_^ *poke* Thanks for always listening to the weirdest and most random things I have to say. I like how you talk more now. haha =3 and I like you're most over-used expression. It is so cute. xD Thank you =3
Alan! COACH! Thank you for teaching me basketball...somewhat... LOL At least, I now know the proper way to shoot a hoop. Thanks for being there when I'm HIGHHHHHH and down in the dumps. xD You are like so freakinngg coooolllliiooo... xD Thanks for the food, lunch, rides... yup... =D
Yong and Rey~ I just can't separate you two. It seems like if you guys are not put together, its not complete. HAHA. Thank you guys for always cracking me up. Whenever I'm sad I look for you guys. You two don't really know it, because I don't show it, but you guys cheer me up all the time. Your stupid jokes make me laugh so hard I forget whatever it was I was sad or angry about. =D Rey thank you for keeping me company and sitting next to me last year in Math Analysis. Haha. Dude, I really like the story you wrote for our project last year. HAHA I still laugh when I think about it. xD Yong. Well, thanks for always making me laugh too. Even when I barely knew you. Thanks for always trying to help me out. I really appreciate it. ^_^
Julie!!! =P Thanks for just hanging out and being there! It's awesome that you're funny and really energetic =D Sometimes, friends like you don't need to say much. We don't need to hang out much after school. Just the fact that you're there is great~
Well, of course, there are way more people I can thank. But I need to do homework now. I still love all the people I didn't name!!! <3
But I do want to say thank you to all my friends. I know it's way past Thanksgiving, but yeah...
Especially to Paula for today. I don't know if you read blogs or even mine. lol But thanks for being there for me today. =) I'm sorry I just started crying out of nowhere. I did not intend to. I just wanted a hug but I ended up sobbing. >.< Thanks for listening. Sorry to keep you from going wherever it is you had to go. You're awesome though. =)
Thank You Bernadette for sticking with me like always. Since 9th grade all the way till now. I really treasure our friendship. I enjoyed 3rd period in freshman year and you were one of those people who made it great! I love all the stuff you make and make. It's full of homemade love. Whenever I'm with you I feel like I have a best friend. It's a nice feeling. You're really awesome and caring. You take care of me always. I am especially glad you're with me in Acadeca. I think if you were not in Acadeca, I would go insane. You know, I'm glad if you get my spot in Acadeca. I'd support you and help you all the way because you do that for me all the time.
Lily! The person I treat like my big sister. I annoy you and you still tolerate me. Haha. Thank you very much. You take care of me too. Give me lots of advice. Tell me not to go crazy by taking a bunch of AP classes. lol. I like all the drama's you introduce me too. AND I LOVE YOUR STORIES! #1 FAN RIGHT HERE! LOL Glad you're my friend ^_^
Adrian =) Haha. It's so funny how our friendship started. XD I'm glad I got to know you. I enjoy talking to you. Sorry we don't talk as often now. We're both busy with school now. You kept me company a lot. =) You're like a big brother sort of person to me. ^_^ *poke* Thanks for always listening to the weirdest and most random things I have to say. I like how you talk more now. haha =3 and I like you're most over-used expression. It is so cute. xD Thank you =3
Alan! COACH! Thank you for teaching me basketball...somewhat... LOL At least, I now know the proper way to shoot a hoop. Thanks for being there when I'm HIGHHHHHH and down in the dumps. xD You are like so freakinngg coooolllliiooo... xD Thanks for the food, lunch, rides... yup... =D
Yong and Rey~ I just can't separate you two. It seems like if you guys are not put together, its not complete. HAHA. Thank you guys for always cracking me up. Whenever I'm sad I look for you guys. You two don't really know it, because I don't show it, but you guys cheer me up all the time. Your stupid jokes make me laugh so hard I forget whatever it was I was sad or angry about. =D Rey thank you for keeping me company and sitting next to me last year in Math Analysis. Haha. Dude, I really like the story you wrote for our project last year. HAHA I still laugh when I think about it. xD Yong. Well, thanks for always making me laugh too. Even when I barely knew you. Thanks for always trying to help me out. I really appreciate it. ^_^
Julie!!! =P Thanks for just hanging out and being there! It's awesome that you're funny and really energetic =D Sometimes, friends like you don't need to say much. We don't need to hang out much after school. Just the fact that you're there is great~
Well, of course, there are way more people I can thank. But I need to do homework now. I still love all the people I didn't name!!! <3
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When I read this, I felt all tingly. Haha! <3 It's great having you for a friend too! (:
i'm there for you mentalllly and physicalllly <33333
well try to be :3
thank you =) <33333 i totally appreciate everyone thts around me! =)
wo xi huan!
good girl!
thats the waverly I want
aye kidderooo,
keeep your head up high and aim. for reals you got a lot of talent in you(: even if you might do bad and you worked hard think of how much you tried right? try and try and try because the waverly i know is strong and will pull through! In the end know that you'll have that great achievement and success you deserve! JIA YOU! (: ADD OIL ADD OIL! ^^
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