Sunday, December 20, 2009

Winter Break: Start

Hey everyone! =)

I'm in a great mood... not just because I'm eating Haagan Dazs Green Tea ice-cream right now. It is Winter Break. Oh yes~ the break we have all been looking forward to. We're all at the edge of dying and winter break is our "recovery period." Hahaha. Anyway, I shall now blog about my last day of school.

1st period - Vocab test. I aced it. xD De Pauw gave meh an A!

2nd period - We had a short lecture from Wong, then he gave out presents. It was a ruler with all the US presidents (even Obama). Then we got cookies! It was tasty! =) After that, I helped hand out Secret Santa present. =) It was fun.

3rd period - We watched the movie UP.

4th period - We continued watching UP.

5th period - There was a BBQ, but I didn't want to go. So I went to Zapata's class. =)

6th period - Acadeca, I practiced some impromptus. I had horrible topics. One of them was "You have just won a beauty pageant, give a speech." something like that. I was like *facepalm*

I'm kinda lazy. I don't want to blog about when I got what and the whole will be too long and there is too much to talk about. So I shall just list it! XD

  • A bag that said "NERDS F#CK@NG RULE!" true to that! From Jenn <3>
  • Cookies + Ruler from Mr. Wong... YUMMY~ thank you =D
  • Panda & Nail Polish from Michelle Yu.. Yu are awesome! Thank you ^_^
  • M.A.C. eyeliner from Rene. OMGOSH THANK YOU!
  • Cookies from Bernadette! delicious~ thank you ;P
  • Red T-shirt from Mr. Luu~ thankkk youuu too! xD
  • Pretty flower necklace from Phan! I LOVE IT! <3>
  • Webcam from Yong! Thannnkk youuu *hug*
I got so many presents =) haha.

Thank you ^_^

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Love Letter

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I was going through my friends blogs and I realize that quite a few of them had the same "theme"

- Hope.

I thought it was quite interesting how so many people were talking about hope. Then it made me think about hope in my life. I reflected a bit on my life and I saw how important hope has been to me. Through my ups and downs and even up till now, I hope is one of those things I move forward for.

I think its a beautiful thing to have, Hope. No matter how down and out you are, hope is that small hole with streams of light coming through when its dark everywhere. And I know many of my friends are not religious, but many are as well. So, I say to my friends who are... I
am glad how God gives me hope everyday in my life. No matter how big or small. A lot of it is probably Grace as well.

Like when I cried so hard when I got my math test back I had my friends to hug and comfort me. Then I still go on crying and Yong just sat next to me and told me he'd help me with my math. I just took a test just now. I probably failed.... again.... but I think I got it a bit better because Yong helped me the day before. xD Like Jenn's posts would say... Yong GMH. lol yup Terima Kasih ^_^

Then there are disasters that happen and I feel like I can't move on in life. When you think that you're going to loose your family and you start to lose yourself. You cry so much to the point you can't cry anymore and you just can't express how much grief there is within you. You can literally feel your heart being ripped apart and the veins in your body turn cold. I remember seeing a face I loved to much with so much pain and agony. It was so hard to look at and that image stains your memory. But then I remember I even though I felt like that, I could still stay calm and composed.

I think that was my hope, the one God gave me. People think I am crazy and ask me how I know it's from God. I don't know how to explain. It's just something you experience to understand. It's pretty extraordinary and quite literally.

Then there are some petty feelings like homesickness. But when I look around me and see the new friends that I have made. I feel a bit better, like I can somehow cope with it. A lot of times I feel left out in a lot of things because like one of my friend calls it, I am a "tainted ABC/FOB." Not a "true ABC" for having lived overseas. Not a "true FOB" for not being born overseas. But Then I think about how ridiculous it is I laugh. I ask myself why we call each other these things when we are all the same - ASIAN.

But anyway, class is ending.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Well, I don't have much to say about today. Actually, I just don't want to talk about today.

But I do want to say thank you to all my friends. I know it's way past Thanksgiving, but yeah...

Especially to Paula for today. I don't know if you read blogs or even mine. lol But thanks for being there for me today. =) I'm sorry I just started crying out of nowhere. I did not intend to. I just wanted a hug but I ended up sobbing. >.< Thanks for listening. Sorry to keep you from going wherever it is you had to go. You're awesome though. =)

Thank You Bernadette for sticking with me like always. Since 9th grade all the way till now. I really treasure our friendship. I enjoyed 3rd period in freshman year and you were one of those people who made it great! I love all the stuff you make and make. It's full of homemade love. Whenever I'm with you I feel like I have a best friend. It's a nice feeling. You're really awesome and caring. You take care of me always. I am especially glad you're with me in Acadeca. I think if you were not in Acadeca, I would go insane. You know, I'm glad if you get my spot in Acadeca. I'd support you and help you all the way because you do that for me all the time.

Lily! The person I treat like my big sister. I annoy you and you still tolerate me. Haha. Thank you very much. You take care of me too. Give me lots of advice. Tell me not to go crazy by taking a bunch of AP classes. lol. I like all the drama's you introduce me too. AND I LOVE YOUR STORIES! #1 FAN RIGHT HERE! LOL Glad you're my friend ^_^

Adrian =) Haha. It's so funny how our friendship started. XD I'm glad I got to know you. I enjoy talking to you. Sorry we don't talk as often now. We're both busy with school now. You kept me company a lot. =) You're like a big brother sort of person to me. ^_^ *poke* Thanks for always listening to the weirdest and most random things I have to say. I like how you talk more now. haha =3 and I like you're most over-used expression. It is so cute. xD Thank you =3

Alan! COACH! Thank you for teaching me basketball...somewhat... LOL At least, I now know the proper way to shoot a hoop. Thanks for being there when I'm HIGHHHHHH and down in the dumps. xD You are like so freakinngg coooolllliiooo... xD Thanks for the food, lunch, rides... yup... =D

Yong and Rey~
I just can't separate you two. It seems like if you guys are not put together, its not complete. HAHA. Thank you guys for always cracking me up. Whenever I'm sad I look for you guys. You two don't really know it, because I don't show it, but you guys cheer me up all the time. Your stupid jokes make me laugh so hard I forget whatever it was I was sad or angry about. =D Rey thank you for keeping me company and sitting next to me last year in Math Analysis. Haha. Dude, I really like the story you wrote for our project last year. HAHA I still laugh when I think about it. xD Yong. Well, thanks for always making me laugh too. Even when I barely knew you. Thanks for always trying to help me out. I really appreciate it. ^_^

Julie!!! =P Thanks for just hanging out and being there! It's awesome that you're funny and really energetic =D Sometimes, friends like you don't need to say much. We don't need to hang out much after school. Just the fact that you're there is great~

Well, of course, there are way more people I can thank. But I need to do homework now. I still love all the people I didn't name!!! <3

Monday, December 7, 2009

Getting Colder

It's getting colder and colder now. It actually rained today. I'm happy because I miss the rain. It's not the same though. In Malaysia, it always rains after a really really hot day. Over here, it rains when it is really cold. How funny.

This means I have to wear more clothes =.=" Annoying. I like how I can just walk around in T-shirts, or even a spaghetti strap, and shorts in Malaysia and NEVER catch a cold. Over here, the cold weather makes your body more prone to getting sick. In fact, everywhere I go, someone is sick. EEK. I don't want to get sick! But at the same time, I kind of do.

Anyway, I wish I could sleep. Whenever it is rainy, I feel sleepy.

It is cold.
You have a warm bed.
You wanna snuggle up under the covers.
Stay warm.

Sounds awesome huh? I think that's what I will do when I get home today. Sleep right away. Too bad that will mean skipping dinner with family T_T" but I have so much homework today and Chapter 20 AP US test tmr. MUST STUDY! Book Report due tomorrow! AHHHH

I want it to be winter break already. I want to go to Big Bear. I want to spend time with my family! and watch old family videos! III caaann't waaaittt.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dying Slowly

So yeah, I feel like I'm dying. I stay up till like 2am or longer every night and that is suppose to be like "normal." But I feel really tired. I think that if I didn't have Acadeca I wouldn't stay up so late and I would get better grades. It really is sucking the life out of me. I have to stay after school everyday and when I get home I have to do way more homework.

Yeah I know a lot of people have 3 AP classes too, but I want to maintain As in my AP classes. Right now I am not doing so well in Calculus. I really want to bring it up, at least to a solid B this semester and a solid A next semester. AP US I don't get much time to read the chapters nowadays. AP English, I haven't even started on my 300 page book report that is like due in 5 days. It's okay though, I've read the book before. I just need to pick out quotes and comment on them.

This morning, I woke up and I was really tired and sad. I didn't finish review chapter 17-19 for my unit test for AP US today. =( The first thing I told my mommy was that I felt like dropping Acadeca. I know deep down inside I don't want to but then I'm super sad that my other grades are falling too. T_T She started to tell me not to give up and everything. Then I started crying. =( My first time crying over not doing as well as I want to in school.

People tell me I am crazy to cry over a one C and 2 Bs in my report card, but they don't get it. I work so hard and I get those grades?! It really pisses a person off. It makes them want to work harder. I want to work harder but I don't have the time to work harder.

I have to stay after school everyday and I barely have time to study for my SAT that I will be taking this Saturday. It's really depressing.

I'm not a genius.
Just an average person.

I work super hard.
But I don't have the brains some people have.
I don't have the ability to memorize like some people.
A lot of people don't even try and they get things really easily.
I have to put in like...
tonnes of work just to get what they get. =(

I feel really stupid sometimes,
Like I'm not cut out for school.

The only reason I don't want to do horrible, is because I don't want to be like when I was in elementary and ignore my school work completely. It was like nothing to me. Some people still don't believe that I was an F student. I don't believe that I'm an A student right now. But I slap myself and I realize it is real.

Man, I like Acadeca a lot, but when I look at my grades, it just breaks me. I feel the determination in me to do better and reach for my goal. But I don't have the time to do it. I ask myself how I am going to make the time. I already sacrifice hours and hours of sleep. My Saturdays are all-day homework days. My Sundays are church in the morning and the rest of the day is homework time.

My legs skins have a sickly pale color. It's not even funny.
I can't even play sports or just go out for a jog. I miss going out and just sitting in the sun. I don't even eat with my family during dinner. I sleep or do homework instead of eat with them.

What now Waverly? What are you going to do?

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thankgiving + Black Friday + Saturday

Here's the run down for all 3 days...


My mom didn't let us eat the whole day. She said if we really couldn't handle NOT eating for half a day, she'd let us eat porridge and nothing else. LOL So yes, my mom starved us for half a day. Only because she got a lot of good food for us for dinner! haha. It was really good. I help her in the kitchen. Yup. After that, we watched a movie and then I had food coma.

Turkey + lots of food = no insomnia

Black Friday

I had some crazy friends who went to the mall 4 in the morning. I don't really have anything that I want that bad to wake up 4 in the morning and wait in long lines. My mom and I went to Ross instead. It wasn't packed like we expected it to be, but then again, Black Friday people want cheap electronics and branded stuff. LOL

I found this really really nice long sleeved shirt and jacket. I reallyyyyy like it, but I have to share it with my sister. hehe. I don't mind though.

Anyway, after that, my mom went to pick up Karen and Yong. Then she drove us to Fongyi's house. We did the usual but we had a special dinner at the Golden Coast Buffet. Gosh I ate so much. HAHA It was good though ;P

Saturday (Today)

My bro and I went to Rey's house in the afternoon.Rey, Janice, Yong, Julie, Paula, Maggie, Joseph (my bro!) and I were there. We basically played with Yong's Xbox the whole time we were there. When we weren't we were eating Rey's addiction - KFC. haha.

My bro was pwning everybody most of the time in Halo 3. I was the total opposite of him. I kept dying. He kept killing everyone. LOL My bro - 25kills, Me - negative 1 kills. (I committed accidental suicide) HAHA But in the last game, Yong beat him. By like, ONE KILL ONLY!!!! We all had a good time. Thanks again Rey!

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Oh yes~ it IS that time of the year~ Where presents matter the most!!! LOL JK~

Dear Secret Santa,

I have been a very good girl this year. I've been doing all my homework and getting good grades in class. (HAHAHA) Academic Decathlon has been draining the life out of me (but I still love it!). So in order to survive, I would love for you to get me EVERYTHING on my wish-list. =D You don't want to be held responsible for a dying child do you? DO YOU?!!!

and I'm gona say "THANK YOU!" to my secret santa in advance. I love you~~ hahahahaha

Anyway~ Here is my WishList~

*Ticket back to Malaysia <3>(If I get this.. I will love you forever)

*Gift card from:
  • forever 21
  • Old Navy
  • GAP
  • Diva
*Metallic colored nail polish (yellow, maroon, greenish-blue, royal purple)

*stud earrings Here are some examples... teeheeee
(any color as long as its not black/white/silver/gold)

*chain earrings

*t-shirts (size - M)

*this necklace from Diva -

*this one necklace from AchorBlue ( i can't find it online, but ask Joey about it and she'll know what I am talking about) I want the RED heart pendant!!! <3>It's so pretty =)

Friday, November 20, 2009


Okay, so this is a funny incident that happened in 3rd period... I was too lazy to rewrite... so I'm just going to post my funny convo~

Wqve16 says:
oh dude
did i tell u wad luu said to me?
|rey|wilsen says:
what happen
Wqve16 says:
so im in 3rd period
and one of his former students comes to visit him
his name is larry
so i talked to larry during 3rd
cuz he went to berkley
|rey|wilsen says:
albert enstein
Wqve16 says:
when luu is done teaching
he comes and sits down inbetween us and starts talking abt black friday
and larry is all like... 200 dollars is cheap luu!
|rey|wilsen says:
Wqve16 says:
and luu is like "i dont know what u're talking abt.. 200 sounds like a lot to me.."
and i was just listening
and then luu he turns to me
and he says.."wavfley (luu's nice mispronunciation of my name) you should get with him..."
|rey|wilsen says:
Wqve16 says:
"...he's loaded..."
|rey|wilsen says:
hes rich man
Wqve16 says:
and i was like, "are you telling me to be a golddigger mr luu?"
|rey|wilsen says:
200 dolla
for what though?
Wqve16 says:
for some game thingy
mr luu plays halo 2
|rey|wilsen says:
Wqve16 says:
so G
|rey|wilsen says:
he so white washed
Wqve16 says:
then i was like, ".. he's pretty old too mr luu..."
|rey|wilsen says:
how old?
Wqve16 says:
and luu looks at larry.. then looks at me again.. and he's like, " he's not THAT old~"
larry's probably 22
cuz he barely graduated from undergrad
and i was laughing like crazy...
|rey|wilsen says:
so he finished
4 years?
Wqve16 says:
|rey|wilsen says:
Wqve16 says:
wait man
|rey|wilsen says:
is he bald?
Wqve16 says:
stop interupting~
no he's not bald~
|rey|wilsen says:
oh ok go on
Wqve16 says:
and then.. luu tells me.. "c'mon! wafley! i'm trying to hook u up here!!!"
then i cracked up so bad

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

to be or not to be a nerd...

Right now I'm staring at my APUSH notebook. I have to review for the unit test tomorrow. But you know what? I don't have that energy or motivation to do it. I LOVE history, but today... I just don't feel like doing anything. =(

My eyes are dry and itchy and hurting. I constantly have headaches, thanks to all nighters >.>". I'm tired. Just really tired.

Today sucked. I think I failed my math test. Why do I always fail math test? I try so hard. I do tonnes of problems. I try not to make careless little mistakes. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?!!! WHY CAN'T I BE GOOD AT MATH???!!! It takes me forever to understand one word problem. I have to read it over and over and over before I get it. =.="

And since I stayed in during lunch to do my test, I was not able to go take my make-up ID picture. So I went after school. You know what sucks? They sent all the equipment back after lunch. How nice. Perfect timing don't you think?

I don't feel like studying. I want to put my notebook back into my bag, go to sleep and never wake up........ =.=

Friday, November 13, 2009

Sweet 16!

Lol. I finally have the time to blog about my birthday. =)

First off, I wanna say thank you to - Bernadette, Lily, Joey, Chiara, Michelle, Dana, Yong, Rey & Alan for going to Americana/Glendale to spend my birthday with me. =)

I had DimSum in the morning with my family. It was really awesome! Finally! I got the DimSum i had been craving for! LOL. <3>

After that, we went home and I waited for Joey to come to my house then we'd go to Americana. Joey got to my house around 2:30pm. Then we left immediately! xD

First thing Joey and I did was go to the Theater and check out the price of the tickets. Man it was freaking expensive! @_@" It was basically 10 dollars per person. Anyway, after that we met up with Bernadette, Chiara and Lily first. They gave me like 2 bags of presents and this awesome balloon with a bunch of my other friend's signature on it! <3 cool ="D

Omygosh Bernadette's mom is so awesome at crochet! Her mom made this penguin soft toy it looks SO CUTE! xD Thank You Lily for buying me a slice of LOW-FAT TIRAMISU CAKE! LOL xD It tasted good. hahaha. Chiara gave me See's Candies haha.Thankkyouuuuu =)

About 20 minutes later, Yong, Rey, Alan, Michelle and Dana show up. xD We all go into the theater and try to decide what we wanna watch. I wanted to watch "Couples Retreat" but it had already started =.=" We ended up watching The Fourth Kind. It scared the shit out of me.
It was some alien movie. I thought it would be something fake like Alien vs. Predator or something. OMG who knew it was going to be a "documentary." I actually think The fourth Kind is scarier that Paranormal Activity. YES. Paranormal Activity should be PG-13 and The Fourth Kind should be Rated R!!!!

Lily, Chiara and Bernadette did not join us though.

So at certain part of the movie, the actors will unexpectedly throw fits and the sound gets all loud and OMG i don't know how to describe it, but it was SO SCARY! At certain parts, it got so scary that I grabbed Yong and held on to him. It was NOT FUNNY! Then at the scariest part of the movie Yong and Rey LEFT! =.=" There was no one beside me! So I moved to Rey's seat and sat next to Michelle. She jumped when I grabbed her arm and held on to it. LOL After the movie, we were all paranoid. LOLOLOL We were all afraid of owls and Alaska now. HAHAHA

After the movie we met met up with the other three and took a group picture in front of this X-mas tree (yes, it has been put up this early!) LOL Then we made our way to In N Out. >.>" Chiara had to leave me. So did Michelle, Dana and Alan. So they bought their food and we had a final group picture =)

The remaining people and I went to Glendale Galleria. We walked around and went to a bunch of stores. lol But our goal was the food court. LOL I was hungry. xD I got sushi! Yummieee. Cali Roll and Eel~ yummmiiiieeeeeehhh.

We walked around some more and then back to Americana, watched a short water show. It was really pretty. =) Then just walked around a bit more. lol There were some awkward moments. Lol. YOUR FAULT REY! lol

But you know what? Overall it was awesome. Definitely a sweet 16 =)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sweet 16?

Wow, I am S I X T E E N.

When I was like what... 7? I used to think that was old. Throughout the year I felt like it has taken forever to get to this age. But right now, I feel like I got here in a flash.

Last Friday, I got to go to FongYi's house. She surprised Ben and me with a surprise "dinner" and a nice cake! =) Everything was normal. I got to her house around 4:45pm. I practiced guitar with Sammy, played some games, did praise & worship and then Bible study. FongYi usually cooks for us after Bible study, but that particular day, she was like, "EVERYONE GIVE ME ONE DOLLAR! We're going out for dinner." I was like O_o? Turns out she got everyone to pay for Ben's and my dinner. We went to McDonald's. LOL Ben went to Phoenix though. FongYi got mad at them for not coming to McD's cause that was our "designated" meeting place. ROFL.

Anyway, I ate and just as we were about to go back to FongYi's house, Jerry gave me a present! I was all excited. Haha. It was this "cupcake." It had a "cherry" on it and the cupcake is actually a small brownish towel rolled up. xD It looks really cute. Thank You Jerry Liang. ^_^

We got back to FongYi's house and she let us hang out for a while. Most people were playing Uno. Someone plays Uno everyweek actually. LOL Sammy and I practiced playing the guitar. =D I love it whenever Sammy teaches me something new! Guitar, love it.

After our free time, FongYi got the cake out and everyone sang Happy Birthday to Ben and me. (His birthday is Nov 1, btw) FongYi is so thoughtful. =P Thank You FongYi! =3 After that, she gave me this cute dolphin phone key chain thingy. xD

Then at school yesterday, Katie gave me a pretty necklace. =D Thanks Katie Zhe~ =) Right before Calculus, A-Bao gave me a present too! Its this miniature bunny fluffy bunny slipper. xD So cute. Thank You Bao Bao! xD

Yup. That is it so far. This is just the start of my day. =)
Let's see what else happens today. ;P

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Random thoughts

This morning, while my mommy was driving Katie and me to school, she mentioned that my birthday was coming up. Then she asked me what I wanted to do. I said DIMSUM. hahaha I think I'll eat DimSum in the morning with my family. I haven't been able to spend much time with them. =/ After dimsum then I'll go out with friends?

Everyone keeps asking me what I want to do. They suggest so many things but I don't know what to choose. And what I want to do no one wants to do. >.>" Yes people, I want to play tag on my birthday in the park!

So... go to the mall? Americana? It'd be nice to see the water fountain show at night. I've never seen it before and I heard it was really nice. A lot of people suggested going to Knotts or Laser Tag. It sounds fun, but not my idea of a spending my birthday.

Oh yeah, I want a hug from all my friends.
That's a good enough present. =D
Yeah? Everyone gives me 16 hugs!!
for my sweet 16?

Man, today I brought the wrong book to school. T_T I was suppose to bring my "A Tale of Two Cities" novel, but I brought my "Dead Economist" book instead. I am so pissed at myself. >.<

Calculus word problems are hard.... >.>" Kinda. Not really. But it is. =.=" It's just really annoying. GAH!!! It took me forever to finish yesterday's homework. =( I wish I was a math pro. It would be helpful. T_T

And yes I am in computer class. I finished my work. I don't want to read other stuff. I've read so much that I need a break from it. I need sleep... ZzzZzzz =.="

I want a hug.

I can't dress up as a nerd even though I am one. HAHAHA Irony.


I'm so tired right now... and I'm still blogging?!

Man, I have so much to do this year. I don't even have free time anymore.

Literally. No. Free. Time.

This is basically my schedule from Monday - Friday

6:30am - Wake up
7:15am - Go to school
8:00am - Class starts
3:04pm - School ends
3:15pm - Econ/Acadeca
5:00pm - Go home

Sometimes (like today) I stay at school until 6pm or later. @_@

I am so attached to school.

Anyway, I'm still enjoying my junior year though. It's definitely better than my sophomore year. Sophomore year was really boring. Freshman year was the best! xD

This Friday there's no Acadeca meeting because of Homecoming and SATs are the next day. So, I will get to go to FongYi's on Friday =) Yay! I haven't gone for 3 weeks now. =( I miss everyone there.

Okay. Enough. I am sleep deprived. I will go now. byebye~

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Halloween, Birthday Rey and Scrimmage!!!

First Event of the day - Marshall/ Burbank Scrimmage

Today was the first time I had a practice scrimmage. It was a good experience. I get a taste of competition and I got to see some of our competitors. My team met at school around 7:20ish. There were 3 cars! =D Ms. Kwans, Ms. Crabtree's, My mommy's~ There was suppose to be 4 people in each car, but 6 people ended up sitting in my car. LOL Ms. Kwan was puzzled for a while she was like why are we short of 2 people? Crabtree and I only have 3 people in our car! LOL

Anyway, we got to Burbank High School and it was a really nice school =) It reminded me of elementary school but bigger and nicer. Okay this was what we did:

- Meet at Burbank
- Essay > My best score!!
- Math
- Breakfast break > yummy!
- Chemistry
- Language & Literature
- Lunch > OMG THE PIZZA WAS HUGE!!!! 3 feet diameter!!!!
- Art
- Music
- Super Quiz Relay
- Results > Lincoln was about 26000points!!!

> I got 3500ish points! Almost 4000 points! =D I did better than I expected =)
> Good Job Lincoln!
> We beat a bunch of other schools!
> But other schools beat us too.
> There is room for much more improvement!
> Overall it was a pretty good day.

Second Event - Rey's Surprise Birthday Party!

Chiara and I went to Rey's party. We were suppose to get out of Burbank High School at 2:30pm and get to his house around 3pm. But we ended up leaving the school around 4 and getting to his house at 4:30ish. We were all suppose to surprise Rey, but Chiara and I was super late. So I told them to start without us and we'd be an extra surprise! =)

People @ the party: Rey (bday boy), Yong (fashoboi), Dana, Michelle, Chiara, Julie, Paula, Anthony, Steven, Me, Karmel (bday boy older sis) & Janice (bday boy lil sis)!

There was KFC (rey's addiction), pizza, fried rice & noodles and tonnes of soda. I didn't eat much =/ I guess when you're tired and just feel like sleeping, you won't really have an appetite. Lol.

[20:24] |rey|wilsen: my parents knew man
[20:24] ~Wqve~: knew what?
[20:24] |rey|wilsen: that u guys were making a surprise party
[20:24] ~Wqve~: i know
[20:24] ~Wqve~: hahaha
[20:24] ~Wqve~: i told karmel
[20:24] |rey|wilsen: failage lol
[20:25] |rey|wilsen: how
[20:25] ~Wqve~: and karmel told them
[20:25] |rey|wilsen: oh loll
[20:25] |rey|wilsen: int he morning he woke me up
[20:25] |rey|wilsen: kept asking
[20:25] ~Wqve~: LOLOL
[20:25] |rey|wilsen: when r u going to yong's house
[20:25] ~Wqve~: HAHAHAHA
[20:25] |rey|wilsen: i was like laterr he live close anywayy
[20:25] ~Wqve~: lmao
[20:25] ~Wqve~: thats funny
[20:25] |rey|wilsen: and at 2
[20:25] |rey|wilsen: i havent shower
[20:25] |rey|wilsen: yong was like
[20:25] |rey|wilsen: come hurry man
[20:25] |rey|wilsen: waverlya nd cz almost here
[20:25] |rey|wilsen: i was like fine
[20:26] ~Wqve~: LMAO
[20:26] |rey|wilsen: so i showered real fast
[20:26] |rey|wilsen: and went to his house
[20:26] ~Wqve~: failage
[20:26] ~Wqve~: ahhahaha
[20:26] |rey|wilsen: i was liek where r they lol
[20:26] ~Wqve~: lmao
[20:26] |rey|wilsen: wo we jsut play xbox
[20:26] |rey|wilsen: and he was like
[20:26] |rey|wilsen: lets go to ur house
[20:26] |rey|wilsen: i as liek why
[20:26] |rey|wilsen: he kept forcing me then
[20:26] |rey|wilsen: i was liek fine
[20:27] ~Wqve~: LOL
[20:29] ~Wqve~: so were u surprised?
[20:29] ~Wqve~: =D
[20:30] |rey|wilsen: yes man
[20:30] |rey|wilsen: i screamed
[20:30] |rey|wilsen: and mu hand and legs were shakin when i was eating
[20:31] ~Wqve~: LOL
[20:44] |rey|wilsen: oh man
[20:44] ~Wqve~: hm/
[20:44] |rey|wilsen: 2 hour and 15 more minute untill my bday
[20:44] |rey|wilsen: and then after an hour
[20:44] |rey|wilsen: it goes back to 12 again
[20:44] |rey|wilsen: my birthday again lol
[20:45] ~Wqve~: HAHA
[20:45] ~Wqve~: nice
[20:45] |rey|wilsen: so im 18
[20:45] |rey|wilsen: legal now
[20:45] |rey|wilsen: LOL
[20:45] ~Wqve~: LOL
[20:45] ~Wqve~: then i'll punch you 19 times~

Paula and Julie had awesome costumes. They were like 80s divas. They had afros and retro clothes and everything! LOL It was pretty darn awesome =D. Then we watched UP! cute movie! But we didn't finish watching it cuz half way we started talking, taking pictures and then cutting cake. haha.

Third Event - Haunted House

Around 6 or 7, we walked over to the Lincoln Heights mortuary. There was a haunted house set up there. I thought it was actually going to be INSIDE. Turns out that it was only a dinky tent set up. LOL I also thought it was a maze. Turns out, you can see the other side of this "maze." LOL I went through it. I wasn't scared (at first) because all my friends were in there being the ghouls and zombies. Bernadette even said "Hi Waverly!!" instead of scare me. LOL When I got to the very last part of the "maze", there was this guy in a wheel chair and he totally scared me. It was totally unexpected and it looked like he was going to run me over. LOL

Then I called my parents and asked them to pick me up. When I got home, 2 things totally completed my day. =D

#1 - Mr. Luu gave me a grade B instead of C!!! I love Mr. Luu =D

#2 - My mom bought me earphones. =P FINALLY I can listen to music after 3 weeks of being earphoneless! xD

Yupz~ that was my day. Overall it was totally awesome. =)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Today I learned that..

coffee is not good for me in the morning...

Yes. Apparently it is not good for me (especially after an almost all-nighter). Last night I slept really late. I think 2ish... or something. I don't remember. I was too sleepy. Anyway, I woke up at the usual time - 6:30 a.m.

But I didn't wanna get out of bed because it was cold and I was still so sleepy. My mom had to bug me to get out of bed. Getting out of bed was such a drag. I wanted to sleep. I was so tired. =( I almost skipped 1st and 2nd period. Of course, being the nerd I am, I didn't. Sometimes I wish I was a bit of a rebel and actually did skip. >.>

Anyway, I got out of bed and my mom was like, "I'll make you some coffee." I didn't know what to reply because I was still half asleep. lol. So she made me coffee in those thermos cup and I brought it to school.

After drinking it I felt more awake. Still sleepy and tired, but at least awake. It was good for 2 periods and nutrition. But when it got to 3rd period, I started getting very agitated and restless. I had all this energy from the caffeine but I couldn't use it. So I couldn't really sit still. I felt jumpy. @_@ But at the same time, I felt really tired. My limbs were like jello. I'd feel too tired to lift my arms and yeah... lol.

Well basically, never drink coffee after you've had an all nighter. Not good. LOL
Go Green. Drink Tea. << AHAHAHA.. that's cool. It's MY SLANG!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Calming Down

Okay, so it's been a kinda crazy week... and will still be...

I feel pretty accomplished... but not enough yet. Throughout the week, I managed to finish a lot of my Acadeca materials. I did music, art, math and my novel (The Tale of Two Cities). This week, I'm starting on Language and Literature, more math, Super Quiz (aka French history), Chemistry and Econ.

That's not counting my other classes' homework. T_T

It's pretty tiring, but I'm sure it'll pay off sooner or later. Nowadays I'm always feeling tired or sleepy during a class. I don't get to practice playing guitar now too! >.< cuz, I usually practice after doing ALL my homework, but I never finish it until like after midnight. So, I can't play it in the middle of the night, everyone's sleeping! =(

Anyway, I have a pre-scrimmage with Marshall High, Burbank High and a couple more schools this Saturday. It's really stressful. A lot of pressure. >.< I'm kinda scared. I really wanna do well. I don't want to disappoint Ms. Kwan or myself. I really have to push myself.

10/26/09 - 10/30/09

Thursday, October 22, 2009

some hope?

I just finished reading the whole Acadeca Music packet in like.. 2 hours... i think... Well more or less 2 hours.

I'm really glad I finished it. =) I feel accomplished. I feel like I can do it. I'm so tired, but there's some kind of energy that keeps me going. =)

I have some trouble memorizing, but it's okay. I'll do my best to remember it.

Marshall High School, Lincoln is gonna kick ur buttt!!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It has only just started

These two weeks have been extremely crazy. Seriously. T_T"

This week especially.
  • I have to finish 2 AP US history (APUSH) chapters this week. I had a test today. Another test on Friday.
  • Math test is going to be either tomorrow or Friday. Mr. Luu is going to "surprise" us. Crazy. I'm going to die.
  • I need to start on my English book report that is due November 10. Just one day before my birthday. How nice.
  • I need to catch up for AcaDeca. I finally finished the art packet. Now I have to do music packet. Not to mention the other 6 packets.
  • Wish me luck
Yesterday, was a pretty bad day. I had a headache all day. Literally all day. From when I woke up till I fell asleep. It was really hard to concentrate and do homework. When I got home, I wanted to take a nap but I did not let myself. I finished all my homework around 10pm. Yay. I got to sleep "early" last night. rofl.

Today is okay so far. I have to stay after school for AcaDeca. Man. It's gonna be a long day.

Tommorrow... I have a afterschool APUSH cram session and it is going to Open House. I forgot to tell my parents about it. Aiya. I have to tell them so that they will go see my teachers. T_T" I wonder when I will have time to do homework and study for the test on Friday.

Friday. I wonder if I should skip going to FongYi's house this week. Maybe I should stay home and do some homework. But then I really want to go and learn how to play the guitar from Sammy. >.<

Oh yeah, and today, during nutrition, Yong gave me this "super hard" math problem to do. This was the "equation"

(i^3/ 3 + U) > 0

I had to solve it and it turned out to 1< 3U
Yupz.... I was like okay wow. I guess he's trying really hard to convince me to go to prom with him.

Anyway, there's a sub for computer class right now and I have finished all my class work. So, I'm going to just study AcaDeca now.

*Academic Suicide*

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Ambrosians & Moon Fest.

I'd like to start off with...
That is so lame.
Do you know what it means?!
Excuse me. It does NOT mean "Worthy of the Gods"
It means "Food to the Greek Gods"
Maybe our class president did not read the whole sentence.

"Ambrosia - Worthy of the Gods to be food..."

And I so don't want to cry during graduation.
"I'll Be There" is not a very joyful song for graduation.
I don't want to be a TOMATO for graduation!
I am so making a petition for a re-vote.
FYI: I did not even know we were suppose to vote.
I did not get my vote!!!

Anyway, it was the moon festival today.
I went to the moon fest around 8pm.
Broadway was blocked up because there was a 5km run.
Pretty cool!
There was a stage set up and everything.
There were Chinese acrobatic performers.
It was nice to feel some Chinese atmosphere.
I really miss it.

So, I went to the Moon fest with my mom, bro & sisters.
I went to the Volunteer booth.
I saw Dennis, Trinh, and all the Lincoln and YUCA people.
I talked to Dennis for a while.
I asked him to change my ShareFest shift to shift 1.
While I talked to him, some girl passed by me and then backed up.
She randomly points at me and goes,
"OMG! Are you WAVERLY?!"
I was like,
"Uh... yeah? Hi? Who are you?" O_O"
She was like,
"Oh! I'm Alan's sister!"
I think for about 5 seconds and then I was like.
Alan told me about her before.
It was kinda weird.

After that I just walked around.
There was not much to do.
So I went back to where my mom was.
She was with Ellie and watching the acrobatic shows.
It was pretty cool.
Then Yong called me.
He wanted me to go over to where he was.
So I went over.
On the way,
I talked to Jennifer a bit.
I can't believe she knew Yong asked me to prom.
And guess what?
When I got to where Yong was..
Rey was there with him
We talked for a bit
and laughed a lot
Then Rey started to write something
on Yong's hand.
You know with those
"invisble pens"
and then you shine some kind of light on it
and you can see the words.

Then he showed it to me.
It said, "We you go to prom with me?"
And Jake read it too.
Then I was like,
"JAKE! Would you say yes?!"
Jake said, "YYEAAHH!!"
I was like, "There you go Yong!"
Then Yong was like,
It was funny.
Rey told me that if I rejected Yong,
he'd have to shave his head.
So Yong's hair staying attached to his head..
lies in my hands LMAO!
I told the guys that I'd think about it.

After all that,
I went back to where my mom was.
Around 9:30pm,
we went home.
Lol there was nothing much to do.
But it was cool ^_^

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Club Day!

Today, I went clubbing...


I'm just kidding~ I'm not even old enough to get my license yet. rofl. Anyway, today was Club Day. What happens is that clubs get to set up their booths around the "Free Speech Area" which is basically the whole area in front of the school.

Ms. Kwan (Academic Decathlon Coach) barely told us yesterday that she signed us up for Club Day. We were like "WHAT?!" O___O! She said that she kept forgetting to tell us! =.=" So during 6th period yesterday, we brainstormed on what to sell like crazy. @_@ We came up with - chocolate chip cookies, chocolate lollipops, and horchata (this Mexican drink that is basically water, milk and cinnamon). The best thing was that the school would let us keep 100% of the profit. Usually the school will take 50% of the profit. So this was a really good opportunity. =D

After school that day, we were supposed to go to the gym and work out. BUT we went to the 99cent store instead. We wanted to see if we could buy something to sell. Unfortunately, we just wasted a bunch of time because nothing there was profitable.

Anyway, moving forward to today during nutrition. I went to Luu's class for a cabinet CSF meeting. We were counting the money, putting the forms in order and yeah stuff like that. When nutrition was over, it didn't stay in 3rd period. I told Luu that I was going to help out Ms. Kwan because we were part of the Club Day thing.

Kwan told me and Ashley (her service student) to make the Horchata. It was an mix. Just add water and BAM! You get Horchata. (FYI - I didn't know what Horchata was until today! LOL) It was all going good. Then Anagaby came in and she got mad at us because we were doing it the "wrong" way. It actually did not matter, honestly. She has to CHILL. I think as long as people buy the drink it'll be fine. LOL

(Another FYI- I don't really like Horchata. I don't know why but yeah~)

Anyway, later we tried making more chocolate lollipops, but we totally failed and made only like 6. The rest was like overcooked. LOL Oh well, MORE FOR ME! xD

The bell rung and we quickly put everything away and cleaned up then rushed to AP Calculus. We learned derivative today! YAY! I like it! Class went by fast, as soon as we were done with the lesson, Chiara, Bernadette, Anagaby and I rushed to Kwan's class to pick up the stuff. As we walked there, we saw Johnson and Brian carrying the stuff already, so we just helped them. =)

We walked to the free speech area together and set up our tables. =3 Then Crabtree (another Academic Decathlon coach) came over and brought ice-cream. I think she brought like 12 boxes of ice-cream for us to sell! We only managed to sell like 8 1/2 boxes. LOL oh well~

The Horchata sold like crazy! Everyone wanted it. The cookies were not that profitable. No one really bought it. The lollipops melted =.=" FAILED. The ice-cream STARTED out selling really well, but a lot of other clubs were selling ice-cream too so after a while people got sick of ice-cream.

I think overall, we made a lot of profit. =) I'm glad. haha. It was fun! ^_^ We need to fundraise more next month~ ;P

Wanna donate money to AcaDeca anyone?

FYI - there will be another auction! I will be auctioned off again this year! =D

Monday, September 28, 2009

Central Library

So, there's no school today. YAY? I still studied my butt off. Today, Chiara, Bernadette and Me went to the Central Library. Yup the one downtown. IT WAS SO AWESOME. The nicest library I've ever been to. =D

We planned to meet at this bus stop near my house around 9am. BUT SOMEONE *cough* Bernadette *cough* came at like 8:30am!! She called me and she was like, "I'm getting off the bus!" I was like, "WHAT?! I thought we were meeting at 9ish!?" When she called, I was still in my pajamas. Yupz. Plus I was taking care of Ellie. After I changed, I told me mom that I was going to walk down to the bus stop and bring Bernadette to my house. When I met up with Bernadette, we decided to wait for Chiara. I called her and she said that she was on her way. I was so impatient. LOL. She finally arrived. Her dad dropped her off and we walked back to my house. =D

They stayed outside for awhile. I brought Ellie out so that they could see her absolute cuteness! HAHA xD I was going in and out of the house. I was getting my bag, books, shoes... and yeah. rofl. It was a bit hectic. Around 9:40, my mom drove us to the libary. =D

When we arrived, the library was still closed. It opens at 10am. We got there a bit early. There was a bunch of people waiting outside. A mixture of hobos and normal people. Rofl~ My mom told us not to wander around too much. I told her we'd wait outside till the library opened. Then she drove off. About 2 mins later, she calls me and tells me to walk down the street because there was a nice garden there and another library entrance. On our way down there, I saw a starbucks. LOL. An opportunity to use the gift card Fenny gave me! <3>

The garden was so cool. The steps had all these different languages on the steps. xD There was even "math" language. I took a picture of that. I am so going to show Mr. Luu (math teacher) tommorrow! XD I also liked how there we trees all over. It was so nice and green. I felt like I could just sit under a tree and fall asleep. ^_^

Anyway, the first thing we did when we entered the library was go to the gift shop. LOL There were so many cool things in there! Chiara saw this really cool rainbow bracelet and bought it. I really liked it too and I bought one later (after we came back from lunch). ;P There were also these cool musical boxes. It played classical music. My favorite one was Edelwise! =D

After Chiara got her bracelet, we went upstairs to the teen section. Apparently, it's called "teen 'scape." xD cool name! Bernadette and I followed Chiara into the teen section. She knew the way. haha. She led us to this huge room. There were all these computers when we entered. I was like wow nice! Then we walked to the back of the room and there were these HUGE BEAN BAGS! OMGOSH It was so cool!!~~~~ I lay down on one and woahh I could've just fallen asleep~ xD
Then I saw a HUGE FLAT SCREEN TV in front of the bean bags!!! NICEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~
It wasn't on though. Chiara said that they would usually play it. I guess it was too early in the morning. So they didn't play anything. ROFL. Plus, there were only like 7 people in the libary including the 3 of us. xD

After checking out the place, I went to a table and started to study. =) We studied until 11ish (almost noonish). Then, Yong and Rey came. Yupz. We studied a bit more and then we went out for lunch. Across the street was this undergroud food court. We went there for lunch yupz~ The guys got sushi, I was lazy and did not want to wait in line so I got pizza. LOL Chiara got McD and Bernadette got some mexican food. After we ate, the guys wanted frozen yogurt. We had to wait for them. Yeap. Yong had A LOT of toppings and every 5 seconds, we'd see some toppings drop off. It was really funny.

Yong took forever to finish his yogurt. The rest of us were waiting for him to finish it so that we could go back to the libary. When he FINALLY finished his yogurt, we went back to the library and I got the rainbow bracelet. =D Then we went upstairs and studied somemore.

We're NERDS!

When we walked in, the library was FULL of people. Ever computer was occupied. I was like haha. We went back to the same table and got back to work. About half an hour later, the TV was turned on and it started to play "Resident's Evil" Everyone got distracted. LOL I tried really hard to concentrate. I managed to finish 1/3 of US history chapter. =)

Around 3pm, I called my mom and asked her to pick us up. She said she'd arrive around 3:30pm. So I chilled on one of the giant bean bags with Chiara and talked. =) It was really nice to just chill haha. Yeap.

My mom called me when she arrived. We said byebye to the guys and went downstairs. xD My mom drove Chiara and Bernadette home. Muahaha I know where they live now!!! ;P I will stalk them! jk~jk~

Anyway, that was my day. Surprisingly, I was really tired. Studying really does suck energy out of you. LOL^_^

The library was so cool. I wanna go back there again next time! =P

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

1st Day of Autumn

Here I am in computer class again. I'm seriously bored. I iPod died on me in 4th period. I didn't even use it yet. Oh well.

Anyway, if I am not mistaken, today is the First Day of Autumn. If not, it was yesterday. lol It doesn't feel like autumn. It feels more like summer, but summer this year didn't reall feel like summer. It was cooler than usual.

Since I have so much time in computer class, I think I will use the time here to like change my blog skin. Maybe I'll change it to an autumn theme or like a car theme. LOLOL

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Driving~ *CRASH*

One day, Waverly was happily driving a car when suddenly... *CRASH!!!!!!!!*

JK!!!!! That so did not happen!

I had my first driving lesson today! Yay! I only got to drive for like 15 minutes (kinda disappointing). Basically, I was at the park and I got to drive up and down this road. I wasn't nervous I was like super duper happy and excited. LOL

It was really cool. The car moves when I'm in the driver seat! HAHAhA SO COOL! Anyway, My dad was like holding onto the steering wheel. He didn't want me to crash into the cars parked on the side of the road. There were a lot of cars. It was kinda weird because there usually are no cars during the weekdays. But anyway, it was a lot of fun!

I also got my new glasses. Its the exact same kinda Vannessa Lam has... >.>" except mine is tinted lol. Yeapp... I'm not ever gona wear it to school. Only outside of school. =D

Yay! Today was coooool xD

Monday, September 21, 2009

Take a chill pill

My weekend was pretty chill. I was kinda tired, but I guess it was still "OK."

Saturday was SAT class at Young Nak. Today, Chiara, Bernadette and Byran joined us in the class. It was cool. I liked it, but I felt really tired after that class. My brain worked too hard. LOL jk~ Anyway, after class, Bernadette, Paula and I went to Dino Jr's and had lunch. We had chilli fries. Yummie. haha. My dad and bro picked me up when I was done with lunch. I had no choice but to go to the barber shop with them. It was really boring. I just sat there and waited for them. They have so little hair and it took so long.

We get home and I took a nap. I felt much better after waking up. A little cranky, but refreshed. hahaha. Then around 5:30pm, my family left home and we went to church. There was a potluck and some performance and games to play. The food was goooood. I just love this one tomato vegetable soup. I need to find out who made that soup and get the recipe. LOL The potluck ended around 9pm. I got home around 9:30pm and I started to do some homework. I think I finished around 11pm. Then I stayed up for about an hour playing the guitar until I felt like I was going to fall off my chair.

Sunday was an okay day. I was suppose to learn how to drive that day, but my mom ended up not taking me out to the park to teach me. >.>" She kept saying that there was a lot of cars because of the Dodger game. @($*%&)#% Stupid Dodger game!!!! =(

Monday, which is today, so far it is pretty good, kinda. I got to school today and went to this spot I hung out at every morning in Sophomore year. My friends were there hanging out, doing homework, studying and stuff like that. One of my friend grabs my hand and starts telling me about how she was going to be "doomed" in first period. I pulled my hand away and I stepped aside. Honestly, I didn't want to listen to her complains anymore. She needs to take a chill pill. Every single time I talk to her, it's about a person she dislikes, a class she hates, a teacher she hates, or about how horrible she is. >.>" I don't want her to drown me with all her problems. I used to feel bad for her, but now it is just getting to my nerves.

On Saturday, my mom was telling me to stay away from her and be careful. The reason she said that was because my mom gives her rides home sometimes. So she's heard some of the conversations we've had. My mom said that she keeps talking about negative things about everyone. So if she does that, I have to be careful because she may do that to me (which has already happened). So yeah.

After I pulled my hand away from her, she got up and gave me some attitude and moved away to the table in front of the one I was at. After that, I went to talk to another friend. I needed to give her some money. So I went over and when I was done, I started to talk to other people. My friend who was mad at me happened to sit right in front of where I was standing. She had a really angry face and she'd just drop her text books so that it would make really loud noises. Everyone ignored her. Lily noticed and I told her about what happened and about how I didn't want to listen to her complains. Lily just nodded her head in agreement because she was pretty sick of her complains too. Lily kept telling me she needs to calm down. I for one agree.

I mean if you over react once in a while I don't think people would mind. However, if you are like that ALL THE TIME... guess what?! It gets other people stressed out! =.=" So yeah... It does stresses me out and get me all tense when she tells me all these negative stuff. Its not like I don't have my problems already. Plus I don't public show people my problems. It's not written in my expression and actions. gosh. I only tell a couple of people my problems and this blog. LOL.


Later, I had a 50 states quiz in second period. I aced that test. Lol. Oh yeah, throughout the weekend, I would bring my map of America everywhere I went, even to church so that I could study it. =D

Third period was chill as usual. I graded and recorded third and fifth period's homework. It took me the whole period, but I was cool with it. Fourth period was awesome as usual. I always look forward to third and fourth period. =)

I think I am done writing now. yay!

Friday, September 18, 2009

In comp class & bored

So right now, like my last couple of posts, I am in computer class. It's boring. I just finished my work. Yupz. Anyway, I'm just going to write about some stuff that happened today.

This morning I woke up and did the usual routine. Wake up, shower, dry hair, etc. Right before I was about to dry my hair, Michelle Baek texts me and says she needs help on the AP US history essay that is basically due today at 2nd period. I didn't want to text so I called her and explained a bunch of stuff to her. She managed to finish and turn it on time. Yay!

1st period we had a vocab test. My teacher went in alphabetical order of last name. I was suppose to be one of the first few, but then I turned out to be one of the last few. The reason was because I signed into the class late so I ended up at the end of the roster. I was cool with it though, I just studied my vocab words all period. When it was almost my turn, the bell rang. I was like DAMN! T_T" I wanted to get my vocab words over with. My teacher told me to come back during nutrition. So after 2nd period, I went back and I totally aced it! xD

Anyway, after that I went next door to Luu's class. I was going to have him for 3rd period anyway, so I figured that I might as well just leave my stuff in his classroom while I go to the student store and get my locker combination. I forgot my locker combination. So I have been storing my two giant AP US history books in Yong's locker. Thanks man.

I waited in the looonnnnnggggggg line to get my locker combination. Yupz. The bell rang and I was still waiting in line. It was like 1 more person till me so I just waited. Luu doesn't care if I get to his class late anyway. I was his service student, not student (for that period at least). LOL
While I was waiting in line, I noticed that the girl (I think freshman) in front of me, had no eyebrows. It looked really weird. I kept wondering if she shaved it off. There were two girls who lined up behind me too. They kept talking about how they wanted to get pregnant. o.o" It was a very disturbing conversation. I finally got my locker and took my sweet time walking to Luu's class. hahahaha

During 3rd period, I took roll, and record grades and then read chapter 4 of AP US History. Today, Luu gave his class a test. About 10minutes into the test, I noticed that one of my friends in that class was missing. So I asked Luu where she was. He told me that she had checked out. =( so sad. Anyway, whenever someone checks out of a class, the teacher has to highlight their name and write down the date they checked out and the class they transfered to.

About 5minutes later, Luu comes up to me again and told me he wanted another student out of his class. He pointed at the seating chart again and this time it was Jordon Arroyo. Another one of my former classmates (for AP Biology). I looked at Jordan and he was just sitting there. He didn't even try to do his test. I guess it was expected of him. After all he got like a D or F in AP Bio. I don't remember which but yeah.

Me, "He was in my AP Bio class." (whisper)

Luu was about to laugh as if it was some kind of joke, "Really?" (also in whisper, out whole convo was whispers)

He started writing down Jordan's name and birthday.

Me, "Yeahh. He got a D or something."

Luu, "But that's not math."

Me, "Yeahh, I know but you know.. it connects."

Luu rolls his eyes and says, "Take this to Salcido (counselor) tell her that I want him out of my class and I am curious to what he got for Algebra 2."

Me, "okayyy."

I go down to the office and Salcido was talking to a student. I waited for a while and when she was done I told her about how Luu wanted Jordan out.

Me, "Ms. Salcido, Mr Luu wants this student out of his class."
I hand her the paper.

Salcido, "Let's see."

Me, "Oh, and he wants to know what his grades were for Algebra 2 too."

Salcido searches his name in the computer and writes down the grade. It was a D and C. =/
Then she wrote on the paper, "Need to see Salcido."

I ran back to class, but the bell had rang and Jordan was gone. So, I just gave the paper to Luu. Then I saw Franky who was just about to walk out. I ask him if he knew where Jordan's 4th period was. How fortunate for Luu, Franky had next period with Jordan. So Luu was like, "Tell him his counselor needs to see him."

Then, it was my period. Calculus. Yay! Not really. LOL

Anyway, after that nothing much happened. Laterz

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day 1 w/ Luu

I'm in computer class right now. I finished all my work the day before! woohoo!

I really like servicing for Luu, even though it has only been day 1. xD I don't have to do anything. I just sit at the back and do homework. Luu told me that I won't have any work till the end of the week.

So I just sat at the back of the classroom and did AP English homework. I really liked doing the homework it was so interesting. I liked reading the book and answering some of the challenging questions. It just made that period not boring. YAY!

In the middle of class, Luu came up to me and asked me if my counselor Ms. Salcido was busy right now. I told him probably not and then I asked why? Then he pointed at this one dude. I was like who?! Then he looked at his seating chart and pointed at Tyler Smith's name. He looked kinda pissed and annoyed.

I asked why and Luu said, "I want him out!"

I looked at Tyler and he was sleeping.

Then I was like, "He's like that in most of his classes."

Luu, "I want him out!"

He was sooo annoyed. Then he walked back to the front of the classroom and continued teaching. Throughout class, I noticed that he's just lay there and occasionally raise his head to look at something. Other than that, he was totally slacking. I felt bad for him because Tyler was my classmate in 9th grade. He was a pretty good student. Not so much anymore though, I heard that ever since he joined the football team his grades had been dropping.

The period ends and Luu walks to the back of the classroom and tells me that Tyler is just annoying him. Then I told Luu that Tyler was on the football team. Luu had this really sarcastic laugh and was like, "Not when I am done with him!" I agreed with him. "I am doing him a FAVOR!" I also agreed with that, since footballers needed a minimum GPA of like 2.0 or something like that. I don't know I'm not an athlete.


Also, I fixed Mr. Luu's shaking table problem it was SOOOOO annoying. I swear I wanted to kick the table because while I was doing my homework I couldn't do it without the table wobbling. So I was like, "Okay, I have to fix this." I got some random piece of paper and put it under the table. Yay~ problem solved~ I am a genius! MUAHAHA

After that was Calculus with Luu. I didn't have to go anywhere except move to the front! FRONT ROW SEAT! CHEYYAAA =D

After that was Lunch. I didn't want to go to the GEAR UP meeting. I was too lazy and annoyed by it. Yupz~ So I just stayed in Luu's class. It is way cooler. A-Bao and Anagaby stayed in there with me. Mr. Yom came in like about 5mins after. First thing Yom said was, "I keep throwing up!" I was like O_O" Yom said that it usually happens to him every 6months. Then he took out his food and gave Anagaby each his sandwich. He told us he couldn't eat. >.< So we ate the sandwich for him. Luu and Yom talked about their math classes, about how they hate the Algebra classes, students, Tyler Smith, kicking students out blablabla~ lol

It was cool~ xD

After that, bell rang and I had to go to 5th period, which is this class. lol xD

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Changed another class

Well, if you've read my last post, you'll know that I have changed my classes! YAY! I thought it was perfect. I thought... until I found out that band class was a wind pipe class >.>" They play flutes, clarinets stuff like that.

So, in 3rd period, the teacher was passing around the parts where you blow into the flutes just so we knew what it was like to "play" the flute. I thought it was really nasty even though sanitizers were sprayed on it every time a person was done using it. I watched the people before me play the flute and I just had this expression of disgust on my face. Nikki kept laughing at me. Seriously, I don't really think it is funny. That is so gross. When it got to my turn, I was very hesitant. I had to do it because everyone and the teacher was staring at me. >.>"

The flute wasn't that bad. You just put it under your lower lip and blow across not into it. The clarinet was different. You had to put it into your mouth and bite down on it. I saw that and I was like O.O!!!! I so do not want that in my mouth!!! So I hoped really hard that the bell would ring before it got to my turn. THANK GOD IT DID!!!! It was just 1 person away from being my turn. Ewwwwww

Anyway, my next class was Mr. Luu. During class, he told us that he needed service students. I raised my hand very excitedly and waved it all around even though he was right in front of me and said that I'd do it! Then Mr. Luu was like, "We'll talk later~"

So after class, I was like, "Mr. Luu!! Do you want me to be your service student?"

GPA Killer, "Sure, just go to your counsellor and tell her you want me for service. She knows that I need service students."

Friend interupts, "Isn't service only for seniors?!"

GPA Killer (sounds annoyed), "It's a new administration~ Just play dumb and tell them you want me for service!"


Me, "OOOOKkkkayyy~"

So during lunch, which happens to be right after Luu's class, I went to the office with Joey to pick up a slip so that I could change my class. I owe Joey even more now, instead of doing 1 week. I have to do 2 weeks of throwing away her trash. I still think it is worth it. I mean c'mon it is so damn hard to get to the counselor and it is Mr. Luu!! Woooo awesomest teacher ever!! xD

hahaha... so yeah.. I got it changed this is my permanant most perfect schedule ever....

Period 1- AP English Language - Mr. De Pauw
Period 2- AP U.S. History - Mr. Wong
Period 3- Service Math Analysis - Mr. Luu
Period 4- AP Calculus - Mr. Luu
Period 5- Computers - Mr Gonzales
Period 6- Academic Deacthlon - Ms. Kwan

Saturday, September 12, 2009

How I got my classes

How I got my classes changed is kind of a funny story. Kind of~ Apparently my dad laughed at it... soooo yeah! LOL

This is going to be short and simple.

I have been bugging my counselor since last Thursday. Anyway, She summoned me out on Thursday and said that the class I wanted was full. She told me to go get a note from the teacher and she'd put me in the class. So that was exactly what I did. I went to the teacher and begged him to write me a note. He wrote it! I brought it back to my counselor and she told me to leave. >.>"

So I went back the next day. Guess whhatt? She told me to leave again! So this time I left the note with her. I think she ignored it, as usual. I got really pissed that she didn't summon me out and kept telling me to leave.

During lunch, I found out that Joey was my counselor's service student. I was so freaking happy. I asked her to find my note and summon me out of my class during 6th period so that I could see my counselor. But she told me I had to throw her trash away for her during nutrition and lunch for a week. Without any hesitation I said YES YES YES! LOL

That was what Joey did for me. She summoned me out and I went to my counselor. The class was still full. So, what she did was send me to the Assistant Principle. I had to wait for him for about 45 mins and when he was finally not busy, he put me into the class! XD


I was so happy. Yes. That totally made my day =)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Day 1

Okay... right now, I'm in computer class. I've finished my work and the teacher said that we can use the internet. So here I am. Lol

Now I shall blog about Day 1. It was a pretty hectic day. My mom dropped Katie and me off at the front gate and we went to these boards set up outside the school. I looked for my name and I was assigned to Room 214 for 1st period. After that, I went to look for my counselor but she was busy. If you've read my last post, you'll know that I want to change my 1st and 3rd period. Yup. Anyway, I figured that it's okay. She'll summon me out and all. So I didn't mind (at first) that she was busy and didn't want to see me.

Fast forward to when the bell had rung. I walked to my 1st period and I guess what? I went into the wrong room! I went into 204 instead of 214. >.>" I am so smart. I went into Mchammer's class instead of Kelley's. What's even more crazy was that after I realized that I was in the wrong class, Mchammer wouldn't let me out of her class so that I could go to my 1st period. How nice of her. =.=" So I sat in the wrong class for the whole period listening to her talk. I think she's a bit crazy.

Anyway, 2nd period was Mr. Wong's AP US class. I walked to his class then walked back to my first period (the RIGHT one) so that I could get this yellow student sign in slip that all my teachers had to sign. I got that and went back to Wong's class. I liked that class. It reminded me of all the good AP Euro times. hahaha. Yupz. I had Wong for AP European History when I was a freshman. It was an awesome class. Enough of side tracking. So Wong introduces himself and everything and he started to hand out text books. We were also assigned homework already - Read Chapter 2 and test this coming Monday. Crazy.

Next was nutrition, it was back to hanging out with my friends. Lily, Phan, Dinh, Nikki, Ivan, Yong, Diane, Jenny and Joey. ;P I missed them. =D I didn't eat because I wasn't hungry, so I gave my lunch ticket to Yong.

3rd period was AP English Language class with Mrs. Kennedy. From what I've heard, she's a crazy strict teacher. Turns out she IS strict but really nice too. I really want to stay in her class but then it would fit into the schedule I want. Kennedy is like sooooo cool. She's worked with like Apple, Microsoft, AOL, Disneyland and more that I don't remember. She designed websites and stuff for the companies. She's also started her own business before. I was thinking omg that is so cool! She handed out textbooks and it was smaller than most textbooks, but DANNGGG IT WAS SO HEAVY!!!!!

4th period was AP Calculus AB with my favorite GPA killer Mr. Luu! =D He handed out the shiny Calculus books that I have seen the Junior's last year carry around. Yup. Now it's my turn! ;P I sat in the very very very front! Yup! Not in the front and center though. I didn't want to sit in the center because there was a pile of books and I wouldn't be able to see anything if I sat there. So, I sat on the seat beside it. xD Luu scared the class telling us about how he is the GPA killer of the school. What's really funny about Luu is that he's "lazy". I was like, "Mr. Luu are you going to sign our paper or do we sign in ourselves like last year?" ( I meant the yellow student sign in sheet and I had Luu in my sophmore year for Math Analysis) He looked at my paper and thought for a while then he was like, "Nahhh~ just sign it yourselves~ I'm too lazzyy~" LOL So we all signed the paper ourselves. Hahahaha. Oh yeah, Luu scared us by saying we had a test too. Turns out it was just a worksheet. =D Homework. It was easy. Just a review of Math Analysis.

Next was lunch! Time toooooo eaaatt. I was hungry. I did not eat breakfast or nutrition. But you know what I gave it to Yong. LOL so I had no food. Fortunately, Fenny and YuQi had given me some Famous Amos cookies and sweets in the morning. So I ate that, with milk of course. Cookies would not be complete without cookies. hahaha

5th period which is the period I am in now. Computers. The first thing I thought of when I walked into this room was, "OMG IT IS SO HOT!" Apparently, the air-cond was not working. So yeah... We were assigned seats in computer class unlike all my other class which had free-seating. I was so lucky. I was assigned to a computer that did not work. LOL but it's okay, it works now

6th period, it was Academic Decathlon. Ms. Cajina was sub-ing for Ms. Kwan. Kwan is still on maternity leave. She had a baby girl named Alyssa Luc! She'll be back in 2 weeks. So Brian and I basically took charge since we knew what to do. First thing we did was Impromptus. I got to be one of the judges and Brian (even though not a judge) was the critic. haha. We just wanted to give the newbies a feel on what we were going to be doing. There was also some dude named Kennedy who was claimed he was "put in the class without being asked". I think he's lying because the counselor will not put just ANYONE in AcaDeca. You actually have to request for it. He was really annoying he kept talking when people we doing the impromptus. >.>" I wanted to yell at him and tell him to shut up but I didn't know him well enough to do so. Cajina kept telling him to be quiet be he kept talking anyway. Also, he didn't know if he wanted to stay in AcaDeca. Brian and I were really annoyed because we had to make copies of the materials for him if he wanted to stay and he was all "fickle" about it. I say he might as well get out. Seriously, he won't survive. He even told the whole class that he was a bad student. AcaDeca is all about self-studying, self-motivation and teamwork. And if we have a weak-link I don't think we'll get to state finals! GRRRR. And that's what we're totally aiming for!

Anyway, after that, school ended.
I went home and yeah.. I chilled...
then did some homework =D,
then practiced playing guitar and yeah! ;P

My first day! There you have it. I'll think about blogging about my 2nd day. Lol.