Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Expect the Unexpected I guess

It's so weird.
Sometimes you'll meet someone you never expect to meet at the most unexpected place and time.
Then the weirdest things just happen.

But I'm glad I met this one person and that particular place and time.

That person was exceptionally nice to me.
At first very annoying and I thought that person was gay.
But it turned out that,
that person wasn't.

I never expect anything from that person, but I get something anyway.
Thought this was some crazy person, but got a helping hand.
I never expected a text from halfway across the world, but I got one anyway.
Did not expect so much love and care, but I got it regardless.
Never expected to be such value to someone, but I was anyway.
So many surprises.

I was just thinking about a few memories that I'll keep to myself.
All the laughter, smiles and fuzzy feeling.
Thinking about it makes me smile.
Puts a sunshine in my dark cloud.
It gives me a heavy-heart as well.

I know that person will never read this,
but ...
Thank You.
I'm forever grateful.

Remember to keep that present I gave you in that red box you call a heart.

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