Sunday, December 28, 2008

After Boxing Day

So Boxing Day is the day after Christmas. It's when people usually go shopping, but I went the day after that. There was A LOT of sales!

My mom took my bro, sis and I to Payless and we bought 7 pairs of shoes. NOT EACH! All together 7 pairs. I got 2 1/3 pairs of shoes. Will you're probably wondering what the 1/3 is. My mom, sis and I bought a pair of boots that fits all 3 of us. Hehe

Anyway, it was pretty fun. For once I could find shoes that FIT ME! Not like when I was in Malaysia. O-M-G, the LARGEST ADULT women shoes usually do not fit me. I get pissed of. My favorite type of shoes were sneakers. Those are big, comfy and they actually fit me.

Then we went to Ralphs and bought some juice and shared a 12" sub-sandwich. That was fast. We were done in I think 20mins. Then it was off to Glendale Mall. We need winter jackets, water-prooft kinds, and gloves and hats/beanies. You know why? Cuz we're going to the mountains. XD I'm excited.

We didn't buy much. I bought one shirt, kind of, from this shop called "Impression". I love it. The color is a deep dark metallic midnight blue. It feels so smooth like silk. It's like those shawls. I don't know how to decribe it. I should take a picture and post it!!! >.<

We walked around went into a lot of shops. It was kind of fun. I'm not the kind of girl that likes shopping. I guess it was because I was only window shopping and not trying on clothes and stuff. That is just annoying. put on, take off, put on, take off... vise versa... man like it never ends

Our last stop - My mom bought some stuff from Target. She got a car seat for my baby sister, Ellie, baby food, some college ruled paper, graph paper... hmmm... I think that's it.

Then we went home!!!

I know it seems short but we spent like 8 hours shopping walking around and stuff. hahaha


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