Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Wow... I have not posted for quite a while. Nobody really comes in to read anything anyway. My blog is more like a place where I come to post about things I want people to know or realize about me that are usually things people don't really want to hear and I don't really want to tell. Sometimes its for fun. Sometimes its plain boredom.

I know depressing huh? Not really.

It X-mas eve! How exciting!!! For most people. >.>

This year and last year, my X-mas was just not the same. It was quite empty. I don't remember what I did last year. Its all a blank.

When I was in Malaysia, we didn't have the traditional Christmas, but WHO CARES?! You know why? Because I had my family. I don't just mean my "nuclear" family. I had my extended family and friends as well. Now, I don't have that.

My family. They're not here now. I don't have that love in my presence anymore. All I can do is send them a card with a note and write them an email. I can't get that hug. I can't see that smile. I can't hear their voices. And every time I write to them. I tell them it just isn't the same without them. And after I send that letter with them, I feel like those words are not enough and sometimes even meaningless.

I made new friends, but it just isn't the same. Yesterday, I went to the YUCA Christmas party.

And you know what I realize?

I realize I am not really wanted. I don't really fit in here or there. Everyone is so nice. So nice. But there is no acceptance. I just don't have that relationship with everyone else. Even though I have started to make friends, I still don't mean a thing. I did not go through elementary and middle school with them.

My friends are gone. 11 years of friendship just faded away when I boarded the plane. I know I made many friends. A lot are gone for good, but some are precious friends. Those are the ones I'll never find here. I look at the people around me and I sometimes wish mine were with me.

I stop and stare and wish. yeah. I do that a lot.

And when I want a hug, I can't have it.

Life sometimes sucks.

I want to rewind and hit the pause button.
Where is it?
Oh wait, there isn't one.

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