Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Gear Up!

Hey all~ Wave here,

So as you know it, the intro of my blog says that I have 3 challenges this year. One of them is running for the treasurer position for Gear Up cabinet.

Well, tomorrow is voting. I really really hope I get majority votes. Although that will not officially determine who gets what position. The teachers/ counselors actually decide who become what. So, I am really hoping I get the treasurer position.

I also think it is quite unfair and the democracy taken away since the teacher/counselors are choosing the students. It makes me think what's the point of having the voting then? In the end the majority votes do not really contribute to who will be part of cabinet. I mean, the votes will be "considered" but ultimately the teachers/counselors will be the ones deciding.

It kind of reminded me of the electoral voting system. The citizens of America indirectly vote for their candidate.However in the end, the people they choose will vote for them. You see the clashing here?

What is Democracy? It means ruling of majority of the people.
What is Oligarchy? It means ruling of few.

How can you put both together? It will not work out. It is basically putting opposites together. How is that suppose to work?

Apparently, this is somehow fit into the voting system of America and my case. It is kind of weird.

I'm not criticizing or anything, but I find it a little weird.

Anyway, wish me luck!
I hope I get the position I want.


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