Thursday, September 10, 2009

Will try to blog abt 1st Day ASAP

So school started on Wednesday! Yay! I am so glad I am back in school. So, it's Junior year. Crazy year. Today is my second day and there's so much work already.

I will try to blog about my first day ASAP, maybe I'll do that in computer class.

Anyway, these are the classes I got assigned to:

1st - Drawing - Kelley (never met her.... I never went to 1st period. LOL)
2nd - AP US History - Wong (Hardest Teacher in the entire school)
3rd - AP Eng Lang - Kennedy (Kinda crazy but cool~)
4th - AP Calc AB - Luu (aka GPA Killer)
5th - Computers - Gonzalez (super chill~)
6th - Academic Decathlon - Kwan (Mama Kwan!)

I'm going to change my 1st and 3rd period though. I've been trying to change it since last Thursday! GOSH! I want to change my 1st period to AP Eng Lang with De Pauw and 3rd period to Jazz Band with Santos (that way I can practice playing the guitar and piano!)

After tomorrow, my classes should be PERFECT! <3 I will have all the classes I want with the teachers I like! Woohoo. My friends say I am crazy to love school.
Maybe I am, a bit, a teeny tiny bit. ;P

Till the next post! Baibai~ =3

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