Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Okayyy~ so I haven’t blogged for quite a while now. Hehe… well here I am blogging =D

Well first up, it’s almost finals week, but most of my classes are doing it earlier. Soooo, let me list out what I have to do.

Mandarin – Oral Presentation (DONE!)

Math – Multiply choice on everything I learned in 2nd semester

AP Bio – Bioethics debate, my team’s topic is Euthanasia

English – Macbeth Act 4 Scene 1 Performance (the one I am looking forward to)
World History – Vocabulary & Geography

It’s pretty easy. =D

Like I said, the English final is the one I’m looking forward to. We have to perform a scene from the play Macbeth.

That’s our final. Yeap.

The scene I will be performing is a creepy scene with witches and apparitions and bloody people and kings! My crew consists of 9 people. My part in the play is to be the “Undead King/ Queen.” Whichever you prefer to call it. XD

We all have to look creepy and undead and mysterious. So I got eyeliner from my mom and started drawing all over my eye. I did a really bad job. LOL I don’t know how to use make-up. So, I outlined my eye and darkened it and all, but it didn’t look creepy. It just looked … … really messy. Lol So, I have to go google, how to put on Halloween make-up or ask my mom/ friends. Hahaha

Part of our final is to make a “Director’s Notebook” which basically consists of our script, list of props, costumes, blablabla… all those stuff you need for a play. I’m putting in together and I have to say I enjoy it! ^_^

Some problems that I have though

1- My team really really really want DRY ICE. We think it will be such an awesome effect! Imagine the witches casting a spell and suddenly BAM! SMOKE!!!! LOL

2- I need a black cloth. We need this to cover the table as a part of our prop.

3- I don’t know how to use eyeliner

4- I need a costume. What am I going to wear?!!

Do I have anymore problems? *thinks*

Hmm… I’m pretty sure that’s all. XD

Yeap. So on the day of our performance, I am going to record this!! I’m not going to post it though. I guess people will just have to ask me for it. Haha

^_^ excited! =)

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