Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Man... I woke up this morning with a HEADACHE. My eyes felt all puffy and swollen. My nose is all stuffy and my throat feels dry.

Gosh it sucked.

I even went to school. Just because we were taking the PSAT (preliminary SAT). I seriously did not care how I did on the freaking test. All I wanted to do was get it over with and go home. I was coughing and everything. Jeeze. Why did I even go to school?!

When I got home, first thing I did was eat a bowl of Cheerios, then sleep!! I think I slept for about 2hours.

When I woke up, I ate again. (I eat a lot when I'm sick) This time I had a bowl of soup. Yummie!

Yeap yeap.

I hope this will go away by Friday.

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