Saturday, August 30, 2008
So, yesterday was Friday. Friday means I go to FongYi's house.
Usually its the normal fellowship, then dinner, then free-time. But Aileen brought her twister game. She told me she never plays with it, so she was gonna leave it at FongYi's place.
Alright. XD
So we all know the game of Twister? There are 4 colors in one line. Red, Blue, Yellow & Green.
There is a little arrow that Jeramy (usually) spun that gave us directions which hand/leg we put on which color.
Okay Twister (as we all know it) starts out easy, but as the game progresses, it gets harder and harder. At one point I was basically doing a bridge. Another time, I was like stretching out and going under my friends. That was really weird. The guys called some of our poses "Spider Woman" or like "Cat Woman". Seriously, it really did look like that. One of my hardest "poses" was when all my limbs were in one color. I was so "aligned" and totally "straight". haha. That one was the hardest to balance.
It was uncomfortable when someone's butt was in my face though. Honestly, one time, someone tried to move and their butt almost hit my face. o.o"
Oh and Jeramy was mean. He tried to poke us and make us fall down! I'm telling on you Jeramy!!!
lol XD
So after about 2 hours? We finally stopped playing for good and started singing K. Haha
We used the computer, youtube and lyrics.
It was funny. Kinda like a carol team singing. hahaha
And then... when Joe was driving Aileen and Me home. He tortured us by making us listen to Irish Drunks singing.
Joe. Why do you have those song?!!!
Usually its the normal fellowship, then dinner, then free-time. But Aileen brought her twister game. She told me she never plays with it, so she was gonna leave it at FongYi's place.
Alright. XD
So we all know the game of Twister? There are 4 colors in one line. Red, Blue, Yellow & Green.
There is a little arrow that Jeramy (usually) spun that gave us directions which hand/leg we put on which color.
Okay Twister (as we all know it) starts out easy, but as the game progresses, it gets harder and harder. At one point I was basically doing a bridge. Another time, I was like stretching out and going under my friends. That was really weird. The guys called some of our poses "Spider Woman" or like "Cat Woman". Seriously, it really did look like that. One of my hardest "poses" was when all my limbs were in one color. I was so "aligned" and totally "straight". haha. That one was the hardest to balance.
It was uncomfortable when someone's butt was in my face though. Honestly, one time, someone tried to move and their butt almost hit my face. o.o"
Oh and Jeramy was mean. He tried to poke us and make us fall down! I'm telling on you Jeramy!!!
lol XD
So after about 2 hours? We finally stopped playing for good and started singing K. Haha
We used the computer, youtube and lyrics.
It was funny. Kinda like a carol team singing. hahaha
And then... when Joe was driving Aileen and Me home. He tortured us by making us listen to Irish Drunks singing.
Joe. Why do you have those song?!!!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
I love Vanness!
Okay, so it's the LAST WEEK OF MY HOLIDAY!
and Lily introduces me to Japanese and Taiwanese Drama Shows!!
I have never really been a fan of Asian dramas
or any sort of drama shows, actually.
It never really interested me.
But Lily here made me watch Hana Yori Dango (HYD)
(Japanese Drama)
There was 9 episodes
It took me like about 9 hours too finish watching it.
~more or less~
she made me watch Meteor Garden!!!(MG)
It is the Taiwanaese version of Hana Yori Dang!!!
Oh and if you people are wondering who the heck
go watch Meteor Garden.
Lily and I had a little "war".
Every time Vanness showed up,
we would type his name.
I kept winning
haha Joking~
I didn't win everytime.
So~ My latest addiction is...
For all of those people who know me well...
Ya~ How could Waverly get hooked on ASIAN DRAMAS!
Who knows... Anime might be next.
Thank U Lily.
<3 XD
I shall go back to watching MG!!
and Lily introduces me to Japanese and Taiwanese Drama Shows!!
I have never really been a fan of Asian dramas
or any sort of drama shows, actually.
It never really interested me.
But Lily here made me watch Hana Yori Dango (HYD)
(Japanese Drama)
There was 9 episodes
It took me like about 9 hours too finish watching it.
~more or less~
she made me watch Meteor Garden!!!(MG)
It is the Taiwanaese version of Hana Yori Dang!!!
Oh and if you people are wondering who the heck
go watch Meteor Garden.
Lily and I had a little "war".
Every time Vanness showed up,
we would type his name.
I kept winning
haha Joking~
I didn't win everytime.
So~ My latest addiction is...
For all of those people who know me well...
Ya~ How could Waverly get hooked on ASIAN DRAMAS!
Who knows... Anime might be next.
Thank U Lily.
<3 XD
I shall go back to watching MG!!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Wow, wow, wow, WOW. Friday 08.08.08 was a FANTASTIC DAY!!
It was not only the START OF THE OLYMPICS! but an awesome outing for me! XD
It was not only the START OF THE OLYMPICS! but an awesome outing for me! XD
It started off with me going to school. Okay school is not very exciting, but the rest of the day totally made up for it! School was same old same old. Nothing new. The day got better once we got OUT of school and it just got better and better (for me at least).
So, my friends and I have been planning to go to the mall for quite some time now. Yesterday we FINALLY went to the mall together.
Here's the gang - (left to right) Me, Phan, Nikki, Lily, Dinh, Andy, Ivan.

Our main activity of this outing was to EAT.
Our choice of restaurant - Todai BUFFET.
Choice of food - SUSHI!
All of us met at the front gate of school. Dinh got there first, then me, Andy and Lily. While we were waiting for the rest, my dad arrived. So we all got into the car because it was SO HOT. I intro my dad to them and when I intro Andy my dad was like,
"My name's Andy too!"
"Really" - Andy
"Yeah!" - Dad
"Coooool!" - Andy
Everyone finally arrives and they had a hard time getting into the car. The car is a mini-van. Dinh and Andy sat at the very back and Lily sat in one of the seats in the middle. We had to squish 4 people at the very back and the 2 guys got to sit in the middle and I got the front seat (obviously)! XD
So Lily wants to sit at the back with the rest of the girls and poor Andy had to move to the middle. Nikki didn't make such a good move either. She came in and Andy almost squished me. Lily was trying to squeeze herself into the back. But they somehow managed to organize themselves. Once everyone was in their seats and comfy, my dad drove us to Glendale Mall.

Nikki and her camera!

Andy says "Hi!!"
Okay, besides the "happy carefree looking forward to getting a sushi buffet", I did not know where the restaurant was. So we had a little hard time finding it. The directory didn't really help. There were also 2 Todai restaurants. We were looking for the one on the ground floor.
We ended up going up and down, round and around.
But its okay, we eventually found it. (Nikki did technically) We went up to the 4th floor and I don't know why for some reason we ended up taking the STAIRS down and down to the ground floor =.=" Then up again and down AGAIN! Nikki and Ivan went their own way. So they found it. We had to run up and down. Finally we get fed up and Andy calls Ivan. We had to walk OUT of the mall, go through a parking lot and cross the street to get to TODAI.
We get there and everyone was like, "FINALLY!!!" and had a big excited smile on their face. When we walked in, there was this Japanese lady and she greeted us in Japanese. I think it was "Welcome".
Well once a bunch of HUNGRY teens are in there what do you expect?
Here we are at Todai Restaurant.

Phan and Nikki


Dinh - eating fried rice 'cuz she don't like sushi.
just joking~ haha
This was the tempura squid that took me FOREVER to finish because it was SO chewy. I felt like a dog with a chew toy.

Lily, honestly, I don't know what she was doing.
I just happened to take a weird picture of her.

just joking~ haha

This was the tempura squid that took me FOREVER to finish because it was SO chewy. I felt like a dog with a chew toy.

Lily, honestly, I don't know what she was doing.
I just happened to take a weird picture of her.

Oh and this was my favorite desert. It's White Chocolate.
It looked so pretty that I just HAD to take a picture of it. =D

It looked so pretty that I just HAD to take a picture of it. =D

Hehehe. We had a TASTY time. The food was great. We definitely enjoyed ourselves.
But when the check came. DX
It is 15bucks each person, but I didn't know we had to pay for our drinks =.=". We also had to leave tips and of course, TAX.
It all added up t o $$125$$
Ivan, Lily and I had to put in more money the rest were either CHEAP ASIANS *EH HEM* or only had 15bucks.
We spent about one and a half hour there and then we went window shopping. =D Andy wanted to go to the Lego store so that's where we headed. On the way, we bumped into Cathy and her gang. She was like the only Asian in that group. The rest were Mexicans. Whoa, I wouldn't survive in there. lol
Now, back to Lego -

Yes everybody! We are 5 years old!!! XD But when the check came. DX
It is 15bucks each person, but I didn't know we had to pay for our drinks =.=". We also had to leave tips and of course, TAX.
It all added up t o $$125$$
Ivan, Lily and I had to put in more money the rest were either CHEAP ASIANS *EH HEM* or only had 15bucks.
We spent about one and a half hour there and then we went window shopping. =D Andy wanted to go to the Lego store so that's where we headed. On the way, we bumped into Cathy and her gang. She was like the only Asian in that group. The rest were Mexicans. Whoa, I wouldn't survive in there. lol
Now, back to Lego -
(clockwise) Andy, Lily, Phan & Nikki

haha It was so funny. Well, Ivan was more mature. Instead of joining us, he sat on the steps outside.

Ivan - aka Loner. nahhhh~

Lily (My bestest friend in America) and Me!! 
Yeap yeap.

Yeap yeap.
Later, we walked on downstairs and we kind of split up. Lily and I went to Target. We needed to use the rest room. I also got this cute bag!! I need one anyway. My school bag is falling apart. The zippers don't work and there's a couple of holes.

On the way to Target some black dude started following us. At first I thought he was just another shopper, instead he was one of those more "aggressive" salesman.
"Hey hey you! What's your name?" - black dude
"huh?! O.o" - me
"Yeah, you what's yo name? You look pretty!" - black dude
"what?! the heck??!!!" - me (thinking)
"Whaaaaa?" - Lily
"C'mon what'z yo name? You look pretty!!" - black dude
The two of us walked away as fast as we could. That was creepy. o.o"
Anyway, once we got to Target, we tried to look for the restroom. But Lily and I couldn't find it. So we started browsing the bags that was right next to the entrance. So I got that blue bag. Then Ivan came along and he found the restroom.
Yeepee! Relief!! XD
After that, we just hung around. Then Lily had one of her CRAVINGS. This time it was for (specifically) chocolate chip cookies. She dragged me all the way to McD to buy one of those cookies but ended up NOT buying it because she only had a 2odollar bill. The cookie was like only what - 50cents? Instead she bought a Cinnamon Roll for her brother. So sweet! Nice big sister.
We met up with the others again and then walked around somemore. Then Lily spotted a candy vending machine. It was HILARIOUS. It actually cost only a quarter for SOME skittles. Lily puts in the first quarter and nothing comes out. She puts in ANOTHER one and guess how many come out?
Lily didn't even eat her 50cent worth of skittle. What a rip off.
After that it was time to go, my dad picked us up again. I had to go to FongYi's place to meet up with some friends and go to a college awards ceramony (she won a trophy). They had to go to YUCA. (This youth association) So my dad dropped me off at home so that I could get ready and dropped everyone else at the library.
After that he came back for me and drove me to FongYi's house. Over there we played a game and then everybody talked about their day and mine was what I just wrote up there. hehe
When we were going to Oxy College, I got to ride in Cheyrl's car. We were a little late when we got to the ceramony but it was alright. We waited and waited and waited for my friend (Karen)'s turn to recieve her award. She and another guy were the very last ones. They got the BIGGEST trophy. WOW! Congratz to her!

After that, we took lots and lots of pictures together with Karen, 'cuz we miss her and had not seen her for about 2months! Later we went out for dinner to celebrate! This time I was in Ah Heng aka Ah Ba's car. His driving was actually scary. I'm glad I SURVIVED.
The restaurant we went to was chinese. DUH. They were all chinese and canto speaking anyway. So I was not surprised. One of my friends - Jessica really likes using the restroom. Really when we got there, she used the restroom. When the others arrived she went again. After dinner one more time. Later we went out for dessert and she went like twice there. I'm like whoa girl.
Dinner was alright nothing special really. Later we drove somewhere to have dessert. This time I sat in FongYi's car. I got this mango drink. It had sago and little mangoes in it! SO TASTY! ^^ Yeap yeap.
After that it was time to go home. This time, Ah Joe (Crystal's older brother) drove us there. We stopped by to pick up some stuff and he sent me home.

On the way to Target some black dude started following us. At first I thought he was just another shopper, instead he was one of those more "aggressive" salesman.
"Hey hey you! What's your name?" - black dude
"huh?! O.o" - me
"Yeah, you what's yo name? You look pretty!" - black dude
"what?! the heck??!!!" - me (thinking)
"Whaaaaa?" - Lily
"C'mon what'z yo name? You look pretty!!" - black dude
The two of us walked away as fast as we could. That was creepy. o.o"
Anyway, once we got to Target, we tried to look for the restroom. But Lily and I couldn't find it. So we started browsing the bags that was right next to the entrance. So I got that blue bag. Then Ivan came along and he found the restroom.
Yeepee! Relief!! XD
After that, we just hung around. Then Lily had one of her CRAVINGS. This time it was for (specifically) chocolate chip cookies. She dragged me all the way to McD to buy one of those cookies but ended up NOT buying it because she only had a 2odollar bill. The cookie was like only what - 50cents? Instead she bought a Cinnamon Roll for her brother. So sweet! Nice big sister.
We met up with the others again and then walked around somemore. Then Lily spotted a candy vending machine. It was HILARIOUS. It actually cost only a quarter for SOME skittles. Lily puts in the first quarter and nothing comes out. She puts in ANOTHER one and guess how many come out?

After that it was time to go, my dad picked us up again. I had to go to FongYi's place to meet up with some friends and go to a college awards ceramony (she won a trophy). They had to go to YUCA. (This youth association) So my dad dropped me off at home so that I could get ready and dropped everyone else at the library.
After that he came back for me and drove me to FongYi's house. Over there we played a game and then everybody talked about their day and mine was what I just wrote up there. hehe
When we were going to Oxy College, I got to ride in Cheyrl's car. We were a little late when we got to the ceramony but it was alright. We waited and waited and waited for my friend (Karen)'s turn to recieve her award. She and another guy were the very last ones. They got the BIGGEST trophy. WOW! Congratz to her!
(Left to right) Crystal, Joey, Jessica, Karen, Me & Hannah

This is just a random picture Jessica & I took together.

After that, we took lots and lots of pictures together with Karen, 'cuz we miss her and had not seen her for about 2months! Later we went out for dinner to celebrate! This time I was in Ah Heng aka Ah Ba's car. His driving was actually scary. I'm glad I SURVIVED.
The restaurant we went to was chinese. DUH. They were all chinese and canto speaking anyway. So I was not surprised. One of my friends - Jessica really likes using the restroom. Really when we got there, she used the restroom. When the others arrived she went again. After dinner one more time. Later we went out for dessert and she went like twice there. I'm like whoa girl.
Dinner was alright nothing special really. Later we drove somewhere to have dessert. This time I sat in FongYi's car. I got this mango drink. It had sago and little mangoes in it! SO TASTY! ^^ Yeap yeap.
After that it was time to go home. This time, Ah Joe (Crystal's older brother) drove us there. We stopped by to pick up some stuff and he sent me home.
When I got home the first thing I did was watch the
Olympics Opening Ceramony!
Olympics Opening Ceramony!
Too bad I could not see the whole thing. I got to see the part of the lighting of the torch. IT WAS AMAZING!!!! XD
Anyways after that, I had to go to sleep. The weird thing was that I didn't even feel tired. I was like "I'm up for more!!"
But hey it was wayyyy past 12. So I went to sleep. It was a great day. I fell asleep with a smile on my face. I'm sure.
I felt so proud to be Chinese! Now I feel even prouder!
Anyways after that, I had to go to sleep. The weird thing was that I didn't even feel tired. I was like "I'm up for more!!"
But hey it was wayyyy past 12. So I went to sleep. It was a great day. I fell asleep with a smile on my face. I'm sure.
Special Thanks to my dad for driving us to the mall and back!!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
So well about a week ago, the ripstick my dad got me arrived. I got a silver one. Joseph got a green one. Audrey didn't get one because she couldn't decide if she wanted roller blades or this ripstik.
SO! Our dad decided to get 2 - for now. If she liked it, he'd get her another one. If she didn't, he'd get her rollerblades.
So after playing with this ripstik for about a week now, we all like it and actually fight to play with it. (No, we don't bash each other up, just kinda push each other and try to get to the board first) Anyway, We play it almost everyday now and its really fun.
The first time I played with it was really frustrating. I had to get help. Hold my mom's shoulder and try to roll. Not very cool~ But after that, she'd let go and I'd be like "AHHHH" *hands making circles* and trying not to fall down. Well later on, I tried getting on myself. After 30mins, I FINALLY get on and can STAY ON!!
But I couldn't really turn, so I'd keep crashing into the front gate. (We were playing in the front yard by the way.) SO after lots and lots of crash tests. I finally get the hang of it and can turn 180!!!
*HIGH 5*
Well Joseph was more "experienced" than me. He had the whole morning to play. While I was a good hardworking student at summer school. While I was trying to figure out how to "turn". He was doing Figure 8s.
The really annoying thing is that, since he can doing something more than me, he wouldn't SHUT UP! Seriously, he kept talking and talking about how to do this and that and this. Gosh~~ I wish his mouth had a zipper and a lock.
He thought he was so good that he could go down the bumpy downhill road. My mom told him not to but he did it anyway. The result - YEEPEE!!! AHHHHHHH!! *crash landing*.
He ended up with a huge scratch on his knee, elbow and palm.
Its okay. He'll recover.
Anyway, after learning how to get on and turn, my mom took us to the park. Now I had to learn how to move the ripstik. Okay learning how to move around on it felt kinda weird. Cuz that thing works only if you sway you hips and move your shoulder side to side.
So picture me like this -
I get on the ripstik, but I step too hard on one side and it flips up and hits me just below my knee. That happened a few times and now I have like 5 bruises on my right leg. I also have one bruise on my hand. I don't know how that one got there. Oh well.
When i FINALLY get on. I try to move. I looked funny. I was like swinging my hips and moving myh shoulders and my body was like twisting left to right. I felt weird but when i started moving I was like YAY!!! I DID IT!! SO HAPPY! XD
After a while ur legs will start hurting so I let Audrey try. She was pretty good too. We had a pretty nice time. hehe
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